Wednesday, December 25, 2019
127 Hours Essay - 844 Words
Irony thrusts its way into Aron Ralston’s powerful memoir, Between a Rock and a Hard Place. The idiomatic expression, â€Å"stuck between a rock and a hard place†is often utilized by those faced with two unpleasant choices. The title of his book is where irony first takes stage. If not for the rock, Ralston’s right arm would still be in place and his appreciation for life would remain unchanged. Surprisingly, Ralston has no bitter resentment toward the canyon where he spent 127 hours trapped between a wedged boulder and a canyon wall. Instead, he was eternally grateful for this circumstance even though it so nearly ended his life. It is no wonder why his story inspired people all over the worldâ€â€especially those who share his infatuation†¦show more content†¦Due to this trial, Aron Ralston gained an even stronger sense of passion for nature itself and an enlightened perspective on destiny. Ralston says â€Å"[It’s] like looking through a telescope into the Milky Way and wondering if were alone in the universe, it made me realize with the glaring clarity of desert light how scarce and delicate life is,†(108). Ralston begins the chapter by asking himself, â€Å"How would I behave in a situation thatShow MoreRelatedLighting and Themes in 127 Hours1071 Words  | 5 Pagesportrayed by James Franco, was trapped with his arm pinned between a large boulder and the canyon wall. The scene of which lighting and themes this essay will discuss about starts from the point where James Franco’s character has just freed himself and starts running through the canyon towards his freedom and climbs off the cliff. The themes of the film 127 Hours (2010) are entrapment, desperation, will to live and surviving. The lighting reflects on the themes and changes with them in the shots. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Clinical Experience Of An Emergency Homeless Shelter...
Usually the fieldwork clinical experience is done in which a student is placed under the direct supervision by an established on-site occupational therapy practitioner (Mattila Dolhi, 2016). Over the past ten years, there has been a shift in occupational therapy concerning emerging practice areas and non-traditional settings, where occupational therapy services are not currently provided (Mattila Dolhi, 2016). These various types of settings support the shift toward wellness and recovery, psychosocial services, and community health.(Mattila Dolhi, 2016). In this study, five graduate students were assigned to an emergency homeless shelter for young men in a suburban community for their fieldwork clinical experience (Mattila Dolhi,†¦show more content†¦The graduate students intended on providing meaningful programs that were in line with the young men future goals (Mattila Dolhi, 2016). The overall programming implemented at the shelter throughout fieldwork clinical experience sought to develop life skills and vocational skills to meet the goals of the young men. In addition to their stated needs and desires, the interventions provided were centered on the occupational deprivation expressed by the young men who participated (Mattila Dolhi, 2016). During the occupational therapy sessions each group completed a unique session that would focus on having the clients reflect on their experience. These sessions provided a way for the young men to share their talents and express themselves. The sessions stimulated self-esteem, group cohesion, and forming healthy relationships. The group sessions provided the young men at the shelter with the necessary resources, education, and the transitional stages the young men were going through (Mattila Dolhi, 2016). These changes are important components that will help to prepare the young men for the transition into adulthood, and out of the homeless shelter. By the end of the fieldwork experience the graduate students found three emerging themes as well as the outcomes: clinical reasoning and self-reflection; personal and professional development; and further understanding of the role of occupational
Monday, December 9, 2019
Transformational and Charismatic Leadership
Question: Discuss about the Transformational and Charismatic Leadership. Answer: Introduction The main aim of the assignment is to specify the skills and abilities of a leader. The author prepares an interview questions for the leader of an organization to know the skills that the leader posses and the how it is used for running the organization successfully. A leader is the one who guides the employees and other members of the organization to work better. The leaders have many responsibilities. There are many leadership theories that have been developed by various authors (Baker 2013). The author in this essay specifies the characteristics of the leaders and their leadership traits, behavior, attitude and the role of a leader in an organization. A leader is observed and considered as a medium of change. Leaders have different roles to play in different professions. For example, a leader in an educational institute is responsible for helping the students gain knowledge and see check whether the students are able to maintain discipline. In case of business organizations, the role of leader is to manage the working of employees, guide, and motivate them to work better. The role of leaders in a sports organization is train the people and encourages them to win. Leader is also responsible to provide the students or other people with their needs (Chemers 2014). Many factors make leaders effective. An effective leader is the one who is able to manage work efficiently in an organization. Leader is responsible to keep all the employees happy and satisfied. A leader is a risk taker (Goleman et al. 2013). The leader of an Entertainment company in Singapore is very inspiring. The role of Mr. John in the Broadway internationals is that of an assistant manager. The employees of the organization look forward to his speech due to the way of presentation. Handling the entire team and managing the work efficiently is some of the qualities that a leader should posses. Mr. John is aid to be very efficient in delivering and managing the entire team in the organization. The main aim of the entertainment industry is to entertain people. Hence it is the responsibility of a leader to check that employees are taking or delivering the task with diligence and according to the psychological needs of customers. Stage one: Observation Many common factors are found in all the leaders. The fifteen things that the leaders do in a workplace are as follows: A leader encourages employees in an organization to speak up. The employees at a workplace are encouraged to put forward their queries and share the opinions and the concepts. A leader is the one who is approachable so that employees are free to voice their opinion. The most important thing a leader in an organization does is to make the decision (Gchter et al. 2012). It is the responsibility of a leader to take decisions as per the objectives of the firms. A successful leader is the one who is able to make the decision at any point of situation. Formulation of strategy based on the decision taken is also the thing that a leader does. A leader is also responsible to convey all the information to the employees at a workplace. For this, a leader should have a good communication skill. Conveying the mission and vision statement of an organization to its employees is also necessary. The leader is in an organization always helped the team to stay focused and presents a path by communicating the expectation of the organization. Leaders are the one that practice what they preach. A leader is also the one who is accountable for the behavior and actions of its team mate. Once an employee had failed to deliver the task on time for which the leader of the organization was responsible to management. Leaders are responsible for measuring the performance of employees and rewarding them in form of compensation and recognition. The leaders observe the efforts. The relationship of employees with its leaders is trustworthy. Leaders are responsible to take continuous feedback from employees and check the contribution of employees towards the organization. The other important thing that a leader in an organization does is try to solve the problems that the employees in an organization face. Leaders are responsible for tackling the issues efficiently and effectively. The biggest role that a leader in an organization plays is to encourage and motivate it employees work better. For this, the leader is required to have a positive attitude and energy. A leader makes the uncomfortable situation comfortable in workplace. Maintaining the work culture and the culture of the organization is also the responsibility of a leader. Efficient leaders are always efficient and focused on obtaining result. The result such obtained is beneficial for all the stakeholders of the organization, customers and employees as well. Leader sets a particular that the employees follow. The path focuses on achieving the mission and objectives of the organization. An effective leader is the one who is passionate in its working. Effective leader should have good communication skills and zeal to encourage people with it positive attitude and work. A leader should be polite and have a good personality. Leadership implies values. An effective leader is the one that has clear vision and is creative in nature. Good confidence, honesty is some of the skills and values that make a leader effective. It is the behavior, interpersonal skills, attitudes, traits and behaviors of a leader that makes them effective. Leader in the business organization is efficient because of the nature that he holds. The leader is very friendly in nature. Employees feel free to talk about their problems to the leaders. This allows and inculcates a sense of belonging to the employees. There are various leadership theories developed by various authors such as: The Great Man Theory is a leadership theory where the main point is that leaders are not made but are born. The values that leader holds is intrinsic in nature. The critics of Trait theory believe that the leaders are born or made with certain values and Characteristics. The Behavioral theories of leadership focuses on the behavior of leadership and the values that the leaders posses. The Contingency leadership theory specifies that the leadership style is not same and varies according to situations and profession. Transformational leadership theory specifies the relationship between the leaders and employees and the way leaders interact with others. The main aim of the leader is to transform the personality of its employees. The role of leaders is different from that of management. Management is responsible for technical aspect of organization while leaders are responsible for interpersonal aspect of organization. Leaders have followers while management has subordinates. Leadership style is a style that the leaders adopt to provide direction, implement plan and motivate people. There are various types of leadership styles that a leader can follow. These include: Autocratic or authoritarian leadership style: The autocratic leadership style is a style where the leaders act as boss and has a major controlling power. The leaders are the dictators of employees. The decision-making is a sole responsibility of the leader. It is said to be efficient leadership style because the decision-making is a quick process (Ciulla 2014). Democratic or participative leadership style: it is a leadership style where the leaders make decisions with the advice of a team. The leaders have no sole responsibility and the leaders and the teammates work together (Grant and Hartley 2013). Laissez- faire leadership style: this is a leadership style where the decision making process is done by the subordinates. The employees are given total freedom to work independently and themselves are the leaders. Task oriented leadership style: this is a leadership style where the leaders are just focused on completing the task efficiently. Relationship oriented leadership style: this is a leadership style where the leaders ensure that they maintain a good and trustworthy relationship with their subordinate. The traits that leaders should posses are self-confidence, trust, good personality, self esteem, flexibility, good judgment skills, good verbal ability, self assurance, commitment, loyalty, positive attitude, assertiveness, social integrity and ability to control the employees. Stage two: Interview The leader in a business organization believes in authoritarian type of leadership style for effective management of business. The experience of the leader shows that authoritative type of leadership encourages a negative culture in an organization. Either leadership styles can be cultivated or people are born with the leadership traits that are required for proper management of an organization (Schoemaker et al. 2013). The leadership styles, behaviors, traits and skills that a leader in organization posses is as follows: An effective leader is the one who is honest in his work. Honesty is the important trait that makes and forms an effective leader. The leader of the chosen organization has very good communication skills. This is observed because the employees of the organization have up to date information of the expectations and vision of the organization (Johansen 2012). The leader also believes in reward and recognition to the employees that work hard to achieve the goals of the organization. Reward and recognition method encourages and motivates employees to work hard. Rewards can be in any form such as compensation, certificates and other benefits. This action of the leaders is taken to influence the workers to work better. It helps in improving the efficiency of the organization (McCleskey 2014). Recently, the leader of Broadway internationals Mr. Johns has undertaken the programme of women empowerment where the female participants of the organization will be encouraged for taking the higher position. This step of him is to reduce the gender inequality at workplace and promote the brand name of the organization. This is totally in compliance with the leadership theory as mentioned in the observation part. A leader is the one who takes a step forward to take new responsibilities. Mr. John believes in working as a team. That is why he follows democratic leadership style where the employees of an entertainment organization play an essential role in decision-making process. The traits that the leader of consultancy firm posses complies with the traits and styles of leadership as mentioned in the observation section. Few leadership skills and styles define who the leader is. It is hence necessary for the leaders to inculcate the skills and style that is required to become a leader (Ehrhart 2015). Mr. John was has good leadership skills and attitudes. He is fair in solving conflicts at a workplace. The communication skills are nice as the employees of the organization are found to be up to date with all the information that has been circulated. The customers of Singapore are happy with the use of this service the response of their queries is fast from the company. the customers like the service and the company as the demands and needs of the company is always kept in mind. Hence, this suggests that the leader is very efficient in managing the team and the task that is delivered by the employees. The problems that the organization face is also solved in short period due to great problem solving skills of a leader. Recently the company had encountered a problem regarding the fake use of a character in particular entertainment show. Mr. Johns solved the problem in no period. His efficient and motivating speech inspired the mind of the customers in such a way that they never raise d the same controversy against the organization. If the leader encounters a problem in the organization such as late delivery of task, increase in absenteeism, or increase in turnover of employees then the best leadership style according to the leader of the organization is to use transformational leadership style. Transformational leadership style is a style that is used to motivate employees to work hard (Avolio and Yammarino 2013). The workers and the employees of the organization should also be given freedom to voice their opinions that the leader deliberately follows. This is so done to make the employees feel a sense of belonging towards the organization and keep them happy. The work of leader is not only to encourage and motivate workers but also to take decisions, solve the problems, guide the employees, set vision and formulate strategies that are better for the effective working of the organization (Branch et al. 2013). It is also the responsibility of the leader to encourage team leadership and help the employees work to gether work as a single team together. Solving conflict at workplace efficiently is one of the complex tasks of a leader. A leader should be able to solve the problem in such a way that it maintains the interests of both the conflicting parties (Rost 1993). The characteristics of a good leader as given by examples and stories are: Good communication skill- For example the board members decided to change the shift timings of employees. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the leaders to convey the information efficiently without any fail (Du et al. 2013). Efficient decision making- the leaders make decisions quickly. For example, it is the leaders that make decision on who should get an award and who should not (Miner 2015). Honest- a leader should be honest in its work. For example if a leader sees that a particular individual is, not working efficiently it is the duty of a leader to guide the employee (Treadway et al. 2013). Positive attitude- a leader should always have a positive attitude towards work. This keeps the employees stay encouraged and influenced (Daft 2014). Stage three: Reflection and self-improvement The characteristics that are presented by the leadership theories do apply in practical world as well. Leaders face many challenges and complexities in real world. According to the theory, authoritarian leadership style is good as it encourages faster decision-making. The reality shows that many leaders do not adopt authoritarian type of leadership (Hargreaves and Fink 2012). The leaders prefer democratic leadership style where even the workers are included in the important decision making process of a firm. This is so because authoritarian leadership style discourages workers and rate of turnover increases (Khalili et al 2015). According to the leadership theory motivation is one of the major characteristics or traits that a leader should posses. In reality, many leadership traits are essential to form a leader. The main responsibility of a leader according to organizations is to encourage workers to work better and communicate them all the information (Spillane 2012). Not only this task or responsibility of a leader is to allocate the tasks based on specialization and check, whether all the people in an organization are working in harmony and peace. There are various challenges that leaders in an organization face. The complexities of leadership are handling culture conflicts, managing work between local and corporate worlds. The interview with the leader of the organization helped in gaining knowledge as to what are the techniques and skills that the leaders apply in organization for effective management of work. It also helped on knowing the situations that the leaders come across and the ways that helps them in facing the situation. The leader is an essential part of the organization. Different leaders uses and applies different leadership techniques in problem solving and effective management. Various theories have been developed by various theories on leadership. It mentions the behaviors of leaders and its application in the organization. The experience and examples given by leader helps the other leaders gain knowledge from the work of others. It helps in gaining practical knowledge. Leadership practice can be improved from the experiences. It is also essential for the leaders to learn from their own mistakes and act wisely in a complex situation. Advice from the team members, management team also helps the leaders deal with situations effectively. The above interview Mr. Johns gave an idea that a leader is not only the one who has good leadership skills but also is ready to take responsibilities and start a new trend in an organization that is beneficial for the society. Conclusion Leaders in an organization play an important role. There are various leadership skills, traits and styles that is required for an effective leadership. Various factors help the leaders lead well as can be seen from the stages above. Leadership traits and behaviors helps the leaders lead well in an organization. It is essential for the leaders to develop values that a leader should possess. References Avolio, B.J. and Yammarino, F.J. eds., 2013.Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead. Emerald Group Publishing. Baker, J.P., 2013. Leadership Theories and Approaches.Leadership in Psychiatry, pp.49-62. Behavioral approach to leadership. Oxford University Press. Piccolo, R.F. and Buengeler, C., 2013. Branch, G.F., Hanushek, E.A. and Rivkin, S.G., 2013. Measuring the impact of effective principals.School Leaders Matter,13(1), pp.62-69. Chemers, M., 2014.An integrative theory of leadership. Psychology Press. Ciulla, J.B. ed., 2014.Ethics, the heart of leadership. ABC-CLIO. Daft, R.L., 2014.The leadership experience. Cengage Learning. Du, S., Swaen, V., Lindgreen, A. and Sen, S., 2013. The roles of leadership styles in corporate social responsibility.Journal of business ethics,114(1), pp.155-169. Ehrhart, M.G., 2015. Self-concept, implicit leadership theories, and follower preferences for leadership.Zeitschrift fr Psychologie. Gchter, S., Nosenzo, D., Renner, E. and Sefton, M., 2012. Who makes a good leader? cooperativeness, optimism, and leading by example.Economic Inquiry,50(4), pp.953-967. Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. and McKee, A., 2013.Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Press. Grant, A.M. and Hartley, M., 2013. Developing the leader as coach: insights, strategies and tips for embedding coaching skills in the workplace.Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice,6(2), pp.102-115. Hargreaves, A. and Fink, D., 2012.Sustainable leadership(Vol. 6). John Wiley Sons. Johansen, R., 2012.Leaders make the future: Ten new leadership skills for an uncertain world. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. Khalili, A., Muenjohn, N. and McMurray, A., 2015. Leadership behaviour, creativity and innovative behaviour: instrument development inquiry. InBAI 2015(pp. 322-326). Bank Administration Institute (BAI). McCleskey, J.A., 2014. Situational, transformational, and transactional leadership and leadership development.Journal of Business Studies Quarterly,5(4), p.117. Miner, J.B., 2015.Organizational behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge. Rost, J.C., 1993.Leadership for the twenty-first century. Greenwood Publishing Group. Schoemaker, P.J., Krupp, S. and Howland, S., 2013. Strategic leadership: The essential skills.Harvard business review,91(1), pp.131-134. Spillane, J.P., 2012.Distributed leadership(Vol. 4). John Wiley Sons. Treadway, D.C., Douglas, C., Ellen III, B.P., Summers, J.K. and Ferris, G.R., 2013. Leader Political Skill and Team Effectiveness.Leader Interpersonal and Influence Skills: The Soft Skills of Leadership,173.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Role of a Wife free essay sample
This paper looks at womens personal hopes and desires and how they often conflict with her perceived role as a wife and mother as seen through literature. This paper is a comparison of how social constraints affect women and their roles once they are married and become wives. The author looks at portrayals in Alice Walkers Roselilly, Charlotte Gilman?s novella The Yellow Wallpaper, and Kate Chopin?s novel The Awakening. All three stories look at how the lives of women were changed, or expected to change once they married and had children. The novels depict the struggle for the characters search for identity and examine how the choice to marry was influenced by social expectations, both in the late 19th century, as well as later, when Walker wrote her story. The author also illustrates how the role as the wife has evolved over the years although many of todays women are still struggling with some of the same issues, including children, work and responsibility to themselves as human beings. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of a Wife or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Alice Walkers heroine of her short story, ?Roselilly,? has a far more aware narrator, who does not proceed into marriage blind and ignorant of its potential to constrain womens sense of self, sexuality, and identity. When asked to marry, she immediately ?thinks of ropes, chains, handcuffs, his religion.? Walker, although criticized quite frequently as a polemic writer, is quite skillful in her juxtaposition of the catalogue of these three things. (Later she will describe the potential husband in terms of his sobriety, pride, blackness, and his gray car.?) She does not fear the character of the man himself; rather she fears the socially confining role of a wife, as defined within a particular religious and social context that has the power to hem in the scope of her.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Indian Ocean Earthquake and Extremely Long Wavelength Essays
Indian Ocean Earthquake and Extremely Long Wavelength Essays Indian Ocean Earthquake and Extremely Long Wavelength Paper Indian Ocean Earthquake and Extremely Long Wavelength Paper 1. The web site presents extensive information regarding tsunamis. Survey the site. A. Select the five facts about tsunamis that were the most interesting or surprising to you. Make a list of your facts. New Zealand has experienced 10 Tsunami since 1840 that have been larger than 5 meters. A Tsunami Is the open ocean can move between 600 and 700 Kip. The Sumatra/Boxing day Tsunami caused over 230,000 deaths and was started by a magnitude 9. 1 earthquake, which Is the 3rd largest earthquake since records began. Tsunamis are very similar to the waves that discovered In the MUSHS video. They are ocean waves of extremely long wavelength and consist of this, amplitude, trough, and crest. There were 141 damaging Tsunami recorded between 1900 and 1999. Thats a whole lot of heavy waves, brush! B. Now look over your list. In your opinion, what Is the most Intriguing Item on your list? Explain. Answer: I would say the fact that Tsunami are very similar to the waves that we learned about previo usly in this module is the most intriguing. It is amazing to think that even something as massive and damaging as a Tsunami still abides by the laws of waves. The reason Tsunami waves are damaging at all is because as they approach land, their frequency decreases and they and height of the wave becomes greater and greater until impact. 2. If you were on a ship at sea, and a tsunami passed under your ship, what would probably be your reaction? Explain. Answer: Most likely nothing. Out at sea, Tsunami are as little as 60 CM high, so they pass under ships unnoticed. The site offers a tsunami quiz. Take the quiz. What was your score? Answer: I received an 8 out of 10. 4. When you viewed the Introduction to Waves video, you learned several terms that apply to all waves. How do the following terms apply to tsunamis and what are typical values for a tsunamis wavelength and amplitude? Use the following sites to look for answers: Unchallengeable. Com/sub]sects/tsunami http://hypersonic. Pay-starts. Gus. Du/HABEAS/Waves/tsunami. HTML A . Wavelength: This is the distance between the crest of a given wave and the crest of another given wave that is part of the Tsunami. The Wavelength Is up to several hundred miles long. B. Amplitude C. Crest: This Is the top of each wave and has to do with wavelength. Also, since this Is the top of the wave, as the Tsunami approaches, the crests become higher and higher because the distance between waves decreases, and therefore when It crashes, it is at its highest point. The wave hits the beach floor, which then causes the wave to slow down and increase in height before it hits.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
129 Great Examples of Community Service Projects
129 Great Examples of Community Service Projects SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you interested in performing community service? Do you want examples of service projects you can do?Community service is a great way to help others and improve your community, and it can also help you gain skills and experience to include on your resume and college applications. Read on for dozens of community service ideas to help you get started volunteering. What Is Community Service? Community service is work done by a person or group of people that benefits others. It is often done near the area where you live, so your own community reaps the benefits of your work.You do not get paid to perform community service, but volunteer your time.Community service can help many different groups of people: children, senior citizens, people with disabilities, even animals and the environment.Community service is often organized through a local group, such as a place of worship, school, or non-profit organization, or you can start your own community service projects. Community service can even involve raising funds by donating used goods or selling used good like clothing. Many people participate in community service because they enjoy helping others and improving their community. Some students are required to do community service in order to graduate high school or to receive certain honors. Some adults are also ordered by a judge to complete a certain number of community service hours. Why Should You Participate in Community Service? There are numerous benefits to participating in community service, both for yourself and others. Below are some of the most important benefits of volunteering: Gives you a way to help others Helps improve your community Can help strengthen your resume and college applications Can be a way to meet new friends Often results in personal growth Gives you a way to gain work experience and learn more about certain jobs How Should You Use This List? This list of over one hundred community service examples is organized by category, so if you're particularly interested in working with, say, children or animals, you can easily find community service activities more related to your interests. In order to use this list most effectively, read through it and make note of any community service ideas that match your interests and that you may want to participate in. Some considerations to keep in mind are: Who would you like to help? Isthere a specific group of people or cause you are passionate about? Look for projects that relate to your passion and interests. You may also just want to perform particular community service activities that allow you to do hobbies you enjoy, like baking or acting, and that's fine too. Do you want a community service activity that is reoccurring or a one-time event? Perhaps you don't have enough time to regularly devote to community service.In that case, it may be better to look for opportunities that only occur once or sporadically, such as planning special events or helping build a house. What kind of impact do you want to have? Some people prefer to participate in community service activities that have a quantifiable impact, for example, activities where you know the specific number of kids you tutored, dollars you raised, or cans of food you collected. This is in contrast to activities that don't have such clear numbers, such as creating a garden or serving asa volunteer lifeguard. Some people prefer quantifiable activities because they feel they look stronger on college applications, or because they simply enjoy knowing their exact impact on the community. What skills would you like to gain? Many community service activities can help you gain skills. These skills can range from teaching to medicine to construction and more. If there is a particular skill you'd like to learn for future classes, jobs, or just out of personal interest, you may want to see if there is a community service activity that helps you learn that skill. Want to build the best possible college application, including extracurriculars? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. List of Community Service Examples Below I've listed over 100 community service ideas to get you started with brainstorming. General Ideas Donate or raise money for your local Red Cross Organize a community blood drive Send cards to soldiers serving overseas For your next birthday, ask for charitable donations instead of gifts Hold a bake sale for your favorite charity Read books or letters to a person who is visually impaired Organize a wheelchair basketball team Participate in a charity race Organize an event or parade for Memorial Day Volunteer to help at a charity auction Participate in National Youth Service Day in April Contact a tree farm about donating Christmas trees to nursing homes, hospitals, or to families who can’t afford to buy their own Collect unused makeup and perfume to donate to a center for abused women Help register people to vote Organize a car wash and donate the profits to charity Help deliver meals and gifts to patients at a local hospital Write articles / give speeches advocating financial literarcy. First you should learn about the topics themselves, like calculating housing costs, or understanding personal loans, and then give presentations on these topics. Helping Children and Schools Tutor children during or after school Donate stuffed animals to children in hospitals Organize games and activities for children in hospitals or who are visiting hospitalized relatives Knit or crochet baby blankets to be donated to hospitals or homeless shelters Collect baby clothes and supplies to donate to new parents Organize a Special Olympics event for children and teenagers Sponsor a bike-a-thon and give away bike safety gear, like helmets and knee pads, as prizes Collect used sports equipment to donate to families and after-school programs Volunteer at a summer camp for children who have lost a parent Sponsor a child living in a foreign country, either on your own or as part of a group Coach a youth sports team Put on performances for children in hospitals Give free music lessons to schoolchildren Become a volunteer teen crisis counselor Organize a summer reading program to encourage kids to read Organize an Easter egg hunt for neighborhood children Create a new game for children to play Organize events to help new students make friends Babysit children during a PTA meeting Organize a reading hour for children at a local school or library Donate used children’s books to a school library Work with the local health department to set up an immunization day or clinic to immunize children against childhood diseases Volunteer to help with Vacation Bible School or other religious camps Helping Senior Citizens Read to residents at a nursing home Deliver groceries and meals to elderly neighbors Teach computer skills to the elderly Drive seniors to doctor appointments Mow an elderly neighbor’s lawn Host a bingo night for nursing home residents Host a holiday meal for senior citizens Make birthday cards for the elderly Donate and decorate a Christmas tree at a nursing home Organize a family day for residents of a retirement home and relatives to play games together Ask residents of a retirement home to tell you about their lives Pick up medicine for an elderly neighbor Perform a concert or play at a senior center Help elderly neighbors clean their homes and organize their belongings Rake leaves, shovel snow, or wash windows for a senior citizen Deliver cookies to a homebound senior citizen Want to build the best possible college application, including extracurriculars? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Helping Animals and the Environment Take care of cats and dogs at an animal shelter Clean up a local park Raise money to provide a bulletproof vest for a police dog Plant a tree for Arbor Day Place a bird feeder and bird fountain in your backyard Start a butterfly garden in your community Sponsor a recycling contest Grow flowers in your backyard then give bouquets to hospital patients or people who are housebound Help create a new walking trail at a nature center or park Update the signs along a nature trail Adopt an acre of rainforest Help train service dogs Participate in the cleanup of a local river, pond, or lake Foster animals that shelters don’t have space for Organize a spay and neuter your pet program Care for a neighbor’s pet while they are away Sponsor an animal at your local zoo Train your pet to be a therapy animal and bring it to hospitals or nursing homes Build and set up a bird house Organize a carpool to reduce car emissions Campaign for more bike lanes in your town Volunteer at a nature camp and teach kids about the environment Test the water quality of a lake or river near you Plant native flowers or plants along highways Helping the Hungry and/or Homeless Build a house with Habitat for Humanity Donate your old clothes Volunteer at a soup kitchen Donate old eyeglasses to an organization that collects that and distributes them to people in need Donate non-perishable food to a food bank Donate blankets to a homeless shelter Host a Thanksgiving dinner for people who may not be able to afford their own Offer to babysit or nanny for a family in need Make â€Å"care kits†with shampoo, toothbrushes, combs, etc. to donate to homeless shelters Prepare a home-cooked meal for the residents of a nearby homeless shelter Collect grocery coupons to give to a local food bank Help repair or paint a local homeless shelter Donate art supplies to kids in a homeless shelter Help organize and sort donations at a homeless shelter Babysit children while their parents look for jobs Become a Big Buddy for children at a homeless shelter Take homeless children on outings Bake a batch of cookies or loaf of bread and deliver it to a soup kitchen Build flower boxes for Habitat for Humanity houses Organize a winter clothes drive to collect coats, hats, scarves, and gloves to be donated Make first aid kits for homeless shelters Reducing Crime and Promoting Safety Volunteer at a police station or firehouse Become a certified lifeguard and volunteer at a local pool or beach Paint over graffiti in your neighborhood Organize a self-defense workshop Organize a drug-free campaign Sponsor a drug-free post-prom event Start or join a neighborhood watch program Create and distribute a list of hotlines for people who might need help Teach a home-alone safety class for children Create a TV or radio public service announcement against drug and alcohol use Become CPR certified Volunteer as a crossing guard for an elementary school Promoting Community Enhancement Paint park benches Donate used books to your local library Become a tour guide at your local museum Repaint community fences Plant flowers in bare public areas Organize a campaign to raise money to buy and install new playground equipment for a park Participate in or help organize a community parade Clean up vacant lot Produce a neighborhood newspaper Campaign for more lighting along poorly lit streets Create a newcomers group in your neighborhood to help welcome new families Petition your town leaders to build more drinking fountains and public restrooms Volunteer to clean up trash at a community event Adopt a local highway or road and clean up trash along it Help fix or raise funds to repair a run-down playground Clean up after a natural disaster Next Steps Now that you know what your options are for community service, you can take the following steps to start getting involved: 1. Look over your interests:Which activities seem most appealing to you? Were they mostly in one particular category, like children or the environment? If so, that's a good starting place for choosing specific organizations to contact. 2. Figure out how much time you can devote to community service: Are you available for two hours every week? Are you not free on a regular basis but can volunteer for an entire weekend now and then? Think about transportation as well and how you'll be able to get to different locations. Knowing this information will help you choose which community service projects to pursue, and it's helpful information for volunteer coordinators to know. 3.Do some research to see what projects you can do in your community: Check at your school, place of worship, or town hall for more information on volunteering. You can also contact the place where you’d like to perform your community service, such as a particular animal shelter or nursing home, and ask if they take volunteers. 4.Start volunteering!This list ranges from small projects that you can complete on your own in a few hours, to much larger projects that will take more time and people. If you find a project you can start on your own, do it! If you want to do a project where you’ll need more resources or people, check around your community to see if a similar program already exists that you can join. If not, don’t be afraid to start your own! Many organizations welcome new volunteers and community service projects. Additional Information Considering doing volunteer work in another country? Read our guide on volunteer abroad programs and learn whether or not you should participate in one. Are you in college or will be starting soon? Extracurriculars are one of the best parts of college! Check out our guide to learn which extracurricular activities you should consider in college. Did you know that you can use your community service work to help pay for college? Check out our step-by-step guide on how to win community service scholarships. Struggling to write about extracurriculars on your college application?Check out our in-depth guide to crafting a compelling narrative about your extracurriculars. Read it for free now:
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Consultancy ( team project Essay
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Consultancy ( team project individual reflection) - Essay Example 4). Each of its parts; from description to the action plan is carefully designed to cover virtually every element of a project reflection. Each and every step of the Gibb’s cycle will be closely followed with respect to the details of the teamwork during the project. Per say this consultancy project was not only vital for my personal growth, but also for my programme; I learnt a plethora of lessons, and the experience was nothing short of exhilarating. The project concerned the Port of Dover, a logistics sector owned, maintained and operated by the Dover Harbour Board. This port ranks among the busiest ports in Europe and handles approximately five million excess of vehicles each year. In context, my team comprised of eight members with a single leader (Willeke). Our project, as in the title above, was logistics and supply chain management consultancy. Each day, the team converged in the University Library, or sometimes in the Information Technology Lab. Procedurally, we began by each member of the group tabling their individual report works mostly during the morning hours. Then, a discussion of the progress for each member of the team ensued. Here, each member would present their hardships and everything appertaining to their progress with resp ect to the task allocated. After the discussion, Willeke, the team leader, would give her opinions regarding the overall progress and give her suggestions as well. Concerning task division, the leader began by giving out questionnaires to every member of the team to complete. This step solely applied the Belbin theory of team roles, which in some way, was meant to harmonise the working of the group (Belbin, 2009 p. 3). After that, Microsoft Excel sheets were given to every one of us that would be used for the period of two and a half weeks. Notably yet, all the tasks that would be allocated to the team were based on the two provided files. As one of the members of the team, my primary task was to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Dramatic action, genres and styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Dramatic action, genres and styles - Essay Example Lewis is more interested in the experiences people had with guns more than she is about political attitude people show towards them. The set is moderate just a work area, a light, and a seat enhance the stage. A couple of picture casings are taken out of a cardboard box every now and then, and an upstage entryway is marginally aired out, giving a fragment of light. That ever-so-slight light from the entryway is unpleasant and feels typical of discovering light toward the end of a dull passage. Maybe that is the proposition: to infer trust for Lewis that she may inevitably be free from her individual story of enthusiasm and melancholy. On the other hand maybe it holds a more noteworthy centrality: to recommend that despite the fact that the voices of those on the far left and far right of weapon control laws are the voices that are frequently noted, the individuals who are in the middle of the lions share may can some way or another be heard and arrangements can be found. Villa unmistakably presents Lewis words, â€Å"We have a problem with guns in America.†The issue is we ridiculously like them." Like the m, abhor them, or feel some place in the middle of, weapon control is an issue that has more than one side. With a second demonstration that permits the gathering of people to impart their musings and stories, this show is encouraging a quite required dialog. During the climax of the play, Lewis does reveal how it is a fascinating and frequently excruciating adventure through gun culture  an anodyne expression that covers the numerous shades of subtlety in how Americans feel about firearms. The vicinity of Lewis herself and our dawning acknowledgment of exactly how difficult some of these stories will be, joined with Villas pliable (yet frequently funny) persona as the course for one ladys existence with weapons includes a passionate measurement that I think wouldnt be there without both of
Sunday, November 17, 2019
What is customer service Essay Example for Free
What is customer service Essay Customer service consists of the various ways in which a business looks after its customer. A business that wants to provide a comprehensive high quality customer service must be aware of, and be able to analyse, customer needs, and also to set up systems to ensure that those needs are catered for from the first enquiry to after-sale service. Customer service consists of a wide range of activities. The purpose of these is to make sure that customers are happy and will return again and again. Every business should remember that customers are the factors, which affect demand for the product. It is one of the greatest importance, therefore, for the organisation to know its customers- who they are, what they need and how it can satisfy those needs. Customer service is one of the most important ingredients of the marketing mix for products and services. High quality customer service helps to create customer loyalty. Customers today are not only interested in the product they are being offered but all the official elements of service that they receive from the greeting they receive when they enter a retail outlet, to the refund and help that they receive when they have a complaint about a faulty product that they have paid for. Introduction to Sainsburys Sainsbury is a high class retail store that supplies to a wide range of products mainly dealing with foods but now, starting to increase the companys gross profit by dealing in an even wider range of products including household products, health, beauty, alcohol and cigarettes and currently starting to build a reputation in the clothes retailer. They also to compete with the likes of Bp and Esso by opening up over 250 petrol stations all over the UK. Sainsburys was founded by John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury in 1869, they first launched their first Sainsbury store in Dury Lane as a small dairy store, it quickly became popular because the economic wealth in the area was at an all time low and by the new Sainsbury store offering low prices it became one of shoppers favorites. As the stores success grew so did the branches open up on higher class high streets like in Islington and Kentish Town further growing and then becoming a Public Limited Company (PLC) which now owns over 500 branches across the UK. Types of Customer Lordly Customers Lordly customers like to be treated as special and important. How they are treated is often just as important to them as what they are buying. They are impatient. They will refuse to wait in lines or queues, even if it means not buying what they want. Their time is valuable. If they have questions they want them answered right away. They are status conscious and like to be seen as powerful and up to the minute. They do little research before they buy and often buy on impulse. They treat staff as just there to serve them and have little interest in staffs feelings or problems. They are not afraid to complain and can do so loudly. They are not interested in the systems that shops may have. They believe that rules are made for other people. Logical Customers Logical customers are interested almost exclusively in what they are buying. They are after the best deal and expect staff to be able to answer technical questions logically and factually and to be experts in what they are selling. If problems arise, they want a properly detailed explanation of what will be done. They retain receipts and often the external wrapping so that they can return faulty goods according to the system. They take note of special offers but they never buy on impulse. They usually study the consumer magazines and check prices in different places before they buy. They ignore the fact that staff are people. They will put up with indifferent service to get what they want the right price. If they complain, they may well invoke the law! Friendly Customers Friendly customers see buying as just another human inter-action. They prize friendliness and like it when people use their name. They like the warmth of a welcome and a smile. They prefer small shops and hotels where they can become known and where they can more easily get to know staff. For them, the way that the purchase is sold is almost more important than the product itself. They like to think of staff as friends and they are willing to help out if staff have problems. They will often make decisions based upon the staffs recommendations. They are influenced by people they like, particularly their close friends and trust others to give them good advice. They hate to complain and feel badly, and personally, let down if things go wrong. They can have very high standards of behaviour General Public This is anyone who might want to buy a particular good or service. This category includes passing trade and regular customers. Passing trade- Customers who might come into a shop or call on a service provider because they happen to be in the vicinity or want to try a new supplier Regular customers Those who use the same supplier time and time again.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Thank You for Smoking? Essay -- Peter Brimelow Tobacco Essays
â€Å"Thank You for Smoking†¦?†Peter Brimelow brings to light an interesting idea in his essay â€Å"Thank You for Smoking†¦?†Brimelow’s purpose of his essay is to defend smoking. He provides the audience with information that is worthy of their consideration and valid enough to make them think twice about how they stand on the issue of smoking. Unfortunately, some flaws in Brimelow’s technique distract the audience from his message that smoking is not as unhealthy as it appears. A few mistakes transform his work from a well-written argumentative essay to an unsuccessful attempt to spread his beliefs. What started as an essay to rouse new views on the issue of smoking swiftly lost all merit and became a means to assail the people in opposition of the author’s views. Brimelow makes a gallant effort to prove his major claim, or main idea (McFadden). He wants to get the audience to concur with him that smoking is not an altogether unhealthy habit (Brimelow 141). However, mistakes in his essay begin with his major claim statement. When Brimelow writes that â€Å"smoking might be, in some ways, good for you†(141), he already puts doubts in the minds of the audience. Instead of feeling that the author is confident about his position on the subject, the audience picks up on the skepticism hidden in the words â€Å"might†and â€Å"some small ways.†Those qualifiers, or words and phrases that exclude some situations from his major claim (McFadden), leave the audience questioning who it is beneficial for and in what situations. Brimelow uses warrants, or peoples’ values (McFadden), to get them to coincide with his beliefs. Because Brimelow’s main claim is very disputable, he needs to find some way to catch the attention of the audience a... ... the mistakes he has made. When his audience looks back on the essay they have just read, his examples and facts about smoking that have been so keenly expressed will be unseen, because the focus will be on the unprofessional fallacies present in his work. In future works, it would be advantageous for Brimelow to be aware of these fallacies and to find a different means of approaching his rebuttal so that another strenuous effort will not be diminished into an unsuccessful attempt to disperse his beliefs. Works Cited Brimelow, Peter. â€Å"Thank You for Smoking†¦?†The Genre of Argument. Ed. Irene L. Clark. Boston: Thomson Heinle, 1998. 141-143. Clark, Irene L. The Genre of Argument. Boston: Thomson Heinle, 1998. McFadden, James. Introduction to Toulmin Method. Lecture. Sept. 13 & 14, 2003. Buena Vista University. Storm Lake, IA.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Sap Sdlc
SAP Development Life Cycle The Typical SAP Module development has to be maintaining a sequential development formation. For any of the module development someone has to follow the following steps to make the module functional: [pic] †¢ Business Process Blue Printing: This function documents the business processes in the company that we want to implement in the system. In a Business Blueprint for Projects, the manager has to create a project structure in which relevant business scenarios, business processes and process steps are organized in a hierarchical structure. The Manager can also create project documentation and assign it to individual scenarios, processes or process steps. Then assign transactions to each process step, to specify how your business processes should run in the company’s SAP systems. The Business Blueprint is a detailed description of the company business processes and systems requirements. Use The Business Blueprint provides a common strategy of how your business processes are to be mapped into one or more SAP systems. The Business Blueprint documents in detail the scope of business scenarios, business processes, process steps, and the requirements of an SAP solution implementation. Structure A Business Blueprint comprises the following structure elements in a hierarchy: ? Organizational Units ?     Master data ?     Business scenarios ?     Business processes ?     Process steps †¢ GAP Analysis A through gap analysis will identify the gaps between how the business operates its needs against what the package can/can't do. For each gap there will be one of three outcomes which must be recorded and action has taken, 1. GAP must be closed and customized software can be developed 2. GAP must be closed but software cannot be written therefore a workaround is required 3. GAP does not need to be closed. GAP must be closed and customized software can be developed close the gap, GAP must be closed but software cannot be written therefore a workaround is required; GAP does not need to be closed. In simple terms: Gap means small cracks. In SAP world. In information technology, gap analysis is the study of the differences between two different information systems or applications (ex; existing system or legacy system with Client and new is SAP), often for the purpose of determining how to get from one state to a new state. A gap is sometimes spoken of as â€Å"the space between where we are and where we want to be. †Gap analysis is undertaken as a means of bridging that space. Actual gap analysis is time consuming and it plays vital role in blue print stage. †¢ Integration Testing: The purpose of integration testing is to confirm that the company business processes work according to the requirement established in the business blue print phase and the system is ready to go live. To accomplish this we must test every aspect of business. Integration Testing a process, development or configuration within the context of any other functions that the process, development or functionality will touch or integrated. The test should examine all data involved across all modules and any data indirectly affected. A successful test indicates that the processes work as designed and integrate with other functions without causing any problems in any integrated areas. †¢ UAT (User Acceptance Testing): The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed explanation of the concept and approach that will be used for User Acceptance Testing. This document does not include the performance testing approach. The objective of the User Acceptance Test is to ensure that the SAP solution has met our business requirements and to provide users with confidence that the system works correctly and is manageable by them to run our business. User Acceptance Testing is accomplished through the execution of real life scenarios with a representative subsection of end users. To that end, â€Å"Day In the Life Of†scenarios (DILOs) will be performed in a multifaceted computing environment comprised of SAP software, third-party software, legacy applications and various hardware and software components. It is this environment that builds the necessary level of confidence that the solution is complete and will perform in our business. User Acceptance Testing is a role-based dress rehearsal of SAP production including security, change management, and production support. Burning Hand Exercise: It is the practice period where the user to practicing the operation more and more to prepare themselves in live uses. By practicing the operation the user could able to know the difficulties, possible solutions of the difficulties and make themselves furnished for future. †¢ SAP End User Training: SAP User training is the proces s of formally introducing the user community to the business processes as implemented in SAP along with acclimatizing them to the SAP environment. In general this involves identifying the key stakeholders, documenting the business processes and interactively training them. Many projects fail or face serious hiccups in spite of excellent resources from a technical standpoint and superior project management. While the entire team is racing against time to complete the implementation, they forget to ramp-up the major stakeholder in the entire project. Users often come from other ERP backgrounds and are often very ignorant of the SAP environment. Often there is subtle resistance as well. Go Live All of the previously described phases all lead towards this final moment: the go-live. Go-live means to turn on the SAP system for the end-users and to obtain feedback on the solution and to monitor the solution. It is also the moment where product software adoption comes into play. The go live strategy comprises of the following: a) Cut of procedure b) Pre go live check Cut of Procedures: SAP system is configured as per the requirement of the company. The system is read for the client to use. The client now needs to migrate from the old systems to the new SAP System. The migration from the old system to the new system is known as the cut of date. The old system is switched of and the new system is on. The data will be migrated from old system to SAP. The data will henceforth be entered in new system. To have a smooth switch over from the legacy system to the new SAP systems are devised the cut of procedures. Pre go live check: It is ensuring that SAP production system is ready to go live smoothly.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Aristotle on Gender Essay
The peer discussion held last week had its attention focused on a comparison of Aristotle’s and Plato’s ideas of justice and gender. As previously discussed from our lectures, Plato’s idea of justice was concerned with an internal equality between the members of the classes present within the polis. This focused more on individualism in that one must only be concerned with his/her business and not minding other’s problems. The justice that occurs in their society depends on the class to whom one belongs. However, Aristotle, his student, was more for all-encompassing justice aiming for the ultimate goal of the constitution. Equality, for Aristotle, depends on the constitution in which the society is built upon. For democracy, it promotes equality for those who are equal, but only for those who are equal. Elaborating on this, equality only exists for the majority, who rules in this kind of polis. On the other hand, oligarchy focuses more on the distribution of office, in which there is equality for those who are unequal. (Curtis, 1981) However, this failed to consider the degree of goodness in a citizen. Oligarchs depended more on a wealthy upbringing, giving them superiority over the others who have less riches than them. Democrats was more dependent on free birth, all for equality among every member of the society. Aristotle’s justice was an advocate of excellence over birth. Considering his example of the story of the flutists, Aristotle concluded that justice all ends ups to the contribution of a good citizen to the aim of the society and to the â€Å"end†of state. Aristotle could care less about the social standing of a citizen, instead focusing more on his triumphs instead of what he was born to be. Gender is another topic wherein these two philosophers’ opinions differ. For Plato, equality among women and men existed within the society itself. Women were free to choose what profession they have, provided that they have the proper education to back it up. Aristotle’s idea for gender, however, is a sexist one. He believed that only men were worthy to be citizens, and that was only if he was a holder of office. Women were â€Å"naturally†governed by men, as indicated in his works, specifically identified by the phrase â€Å"mastery of husband over wife†. He gave statements wherein the men were given rights over those of the opposite gender. In spite of their standings as teacher and student, their opinions differ regarding how a society must work in order to achieve peace and harmony within their constitution. However, important points can also be withdrawn from their works, such as the fairer justice referred to in Aristotle’s works, and Plato’s ideas of equality and the manner of governing a society. Not one person is perfect, and we cannot find fault upon one making a mistake that we ourselves may have committed. Group: # 4 – Section: WBYDX.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Immigration And Discrimination In The 1920s Essays - Free Essays
Immigration And Discrimination In The 1920s Essays - Free Essays Immigration and Discrimination in the 1920's American History Beginning in the early nineteenth century there were massive waves of immigration. These "new" immigants were largely from Italy, Russia, and Ireland. There was a mixed reaction to these incomming foreigners. While they provided industries with a cheap source of labor, Americans were both afraid of, and hostile towards these new groups. They differed from the "typical American" in language, customs, and religion. Many individuals and industries alike played upon America's fears of immigration to further their own goals. Leuchtenburg follows this common theme from the beginning of World War I up untill the election of 1928. If there was one man who singlely used America's fear of immigrants to advance his own political goals it was Attorney General Palmer. The rise of Communism in Russia created a fear of its spread across Europe, and to America. Palmer tied this fear to that of immigration. He denounced labor unions, the Socialist party, and the Communist party in America, as being infultrated with radicals who sought to overturn America's political, economic, and social institutions. Palmer exasperated this fear in Americans and then presented himself as the country's savior, combatting the evils of Communism. He mainly centered his attack on Russian immigrants. During the infamous Palmer raids thousands of aliens were deported and even more were arrested on little or no evidence. Their civil liberties were violated, they were not told the reasons for their arrests, denied counsel, and not given fair trials. What followed was an investigation of Palmer led by Louis Post which overturned many of Palmer's actions. Palmer's cretability was shattered after in a last minute attempt to gain the 1920 presidencial nomination, he made predictions about a May Day radical uprising, the nation perpared itself, but on May 1st 1920 all was peaceful. While the raids had stopped, the hostilities towards immagrants still remained prevelent. Immigrants were used by organized industries as a source of cheap labor. But as labor unions began to form and push for better pay, shorter hours, and improved working conditions industries saw that it was not as easy to exploit these immigrants as it had been before. Like Palmer, they tied the American's hostilities towards immigrants to the newly emerging fear of radicalism. When workers struck, industry leaders turned public opinion agains them by labling the strikes as attemps at radical uprising. As a result, workers were often left with no other choice than to accept the terms of industry management. The fight for prohabition was aided by America's antagonism for immigrants. Protestants and "old-stock" Americans attempted to link alchol with Catholic-Irish and Italian immigrants. They were viewed as immoral and corrupt for their vice. Prohabition was a means of counterattacking the evils of the urban cities and their immigrant dwellers. In addition, the rise of the KKK was a direct result of the hostilities harbored towards the immigrant population. Started by native born, white, Protestants, the KKK was afraid of "the encroachment of foreigners," expecially those who answered to a foreign Pope as their religious authority. Playing upon these fears, the KKK gained support and was it's members were able to politically control parts of Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and much of Indiana.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Biography of William McKinley, 25th U.S. President
Biography of William McKinley, 25th U.S. President William McKinley (January 29, 1843–September 14, 1901) was the 25th president of the United States. Prior to that, he was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and the governor of Ohio. McKinley was assassinated by an anarchist less than a year into his second term as president. Fast Facts: William McKinley Known For: McKinley was the 25th president of the United States; he oversaw the beginning of U.S. imperialism in Latin America.Born: January 29, 1843 in Niles, OhioParents: William McKinley Sr. and Nancy McKinleyDied: September 14, 1901 in Buffalo, New YorkEducation: Allegheny College, Mount Union College, Albany Law SchoolSpouse: Ida Saxton (m. 1871–1901)Children: Katherine, Ida Early Life William McKinley was born on January 29, 1843 in Niles, Ohio, the son of William McKinley, Sr., a pig iron manufacturer, and Nancy Allison McKinley. He had four sisters and three brothers. McKinley attended public school and in 1852 enrolled in the Poland Seminary. When he was 17, he enrolled in Allegheny College in Pennsylvania but soon dropped out due to illness. He never returned to college because of financial difficulties and instead taught for a while at a school near Poland, Ohio. Civil War and Legal Career After the Civil War began in 1861, McKinley enlisted in the Union Army and became part of the 23rd Ohio Infantry. Under Colonel Eliakim P. Scammon, the unit headed east to Virginia. It eventually joined the Army of the Potomac and participated in the bloody Battle of Antietam. For his service, McKinley was made a second lieutenant. He later saw action at the Battle of Buffington Island and in Lexington, Virginia. Near the end of the war, McKinley was promoted to major. After the war, McKinley studied law with an attorney in Ohio and later at Albany Law School. He was admitted to the bar in 1867. On January 25, 1871, he married Ida Saxton. Together they had two daughters, Katherine and Ida, but both sadly died as infants. Political Career In 1887, McKinley was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. He served until 1883 and again from 1885 to 1891. He was elected governor of Ohio in 1892 and held the post until 1896. As governor, McKinley supported other Republicans running for office and promoted business inside the state. In 1896, McKinley was nominated to run for president as the Republican Party nominee with Garret Hobart as his running mate. He was opposed by William Jennings Bryan, who, upon accepting the Democratic nomination, gave his famous Cross of Gold speech in which he denounced the gold standard. The main issue of the campaign was what should back the U.S. currency, silver or gold. McKinley was in favor of the gold standard. In the end, he won the election with 51 percent of the popular vote and 271 out of 447 electoral votes. McKinley easily won the nomination for president again in 1900 and was again opposed by William Jennings Bryan. Theodore Roosevelt ran as McKinleys vice president. The main issue of the campaign was Americas growing imperialism, which the Democrats spoke out against. McKinley won the election with 292 out of 447 electoral votes. Presidency During McKinleys time in office, Hawaii was annexed. This would be the first step toward statehood for the island territory. In 1898, the Spanish-American War began with the Maine incident. On February 15, the U.S. battleship Maine- which was stationed in Cubas Havana harbor- exploded and sank, killing 266 of the crew members. The cause of the explosion is not known to this day. However, the press- led by newspapers such as those published by William Randolph Hearst- published articles claiming that Spanish mines had destroyed the ship. Remember the Maine! became a popular rallying cry. On April 25, 1898, the United States declared war against Spain. Commodore George Dewey destroyed Spains Pacific fleet, while Admiral William Sampson destroyed the Atlantic fleet. U.S. troops then captured Manila and took possession of the Philippines. In Cuba, Santiago was captured. The U.S. also captured Puerto Rico before Spain asked for peace. On December 10, 1898, the Paris Peace Treaty was signed. Spain gave up its claim to Cuba and gave Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippine Islands to the United States in exchange for $20 million. The acquisition of these territories marked a major turning point in American history; the nation, previously somewhat isolated from the rest of the world, became an imperial power with interests around the globe. In 1899, Secretary of State John Hay created the Open Door policy, where the United States asked for China to make it so that all nations would be able to trade equally in China. However, in June 1900 the Boxer Rebellion occurred, and the Chinese targeted Western missionaries and foreign communities. The Americans joined forces with Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and Japan to stop the rebellion. One final important act during McKinleys time in office was the passage of the Gold Standard Act, which officially placed the United States on the gold standard. Death McKinley was shot two times by anarchist Leon Czolgosz while the president was visiting the Pan-American Exhibit in Buffalo, New York, on September 6, 1901. He died on September 14, 1901. Czolgosz stated that he shot McKinley because he was an enemy of working people. He was convicted of the murder and died by electrocution on October 29, 1901. Legacy McKinley is best remembered for his role in U.S. expansionism; during his time in office, the nation became a world colonial power, controlling territories in the Caribbean, Pacific, and Central America. McKinley was also the third of four U.S. presidents who have been assassinated. His face appears on the $500 bill, which was discontinued in 1969. Sources Gould, Lewis L. The Presidency of William McKinley. Lawrence: Regents Press of Kansas, 1980.Merry, Robert W. President McKinley: Architect of the American Century. Simon Schuster Paperbacks, an Imprint of Simon Schuster, Inc., 2018.Morgan, H. W. William McKinley and His America. 1964.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Evidence in Criminal Justice Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Evidence in Criminal Justice - Research Paper Example The ‘Exclusion’ provision serves to protect citizens while at the same time educating the law enforcers on the importance of upholding the constitution. Laws, in their very nature, are designed to protect the citizens, regardless of their standing in society. This is such that everyone, including entities suspected of various crimes, may lay claim to fair treatment as per the constitution. Some of the amendments used as the bases for rights suspected criminals are the 4th and 14th amendments, protecting citizens from injustices, especially injustices by law enforcers. One of the provisions of these amendments is the right to exclude evidence that is illegally obtained from the trial (Colb, 2011). Laws that deal will exclusion of evidence are sometimes marred by a conspicuous lack of clarity. These laws particularly have been a source of contention in the justice system, warranting the need for a deeper look into the subject. The piece sets out to talk about the function of the 4th and 14th amendments in protecting the rights of suspects. This is especially as regards exclusion of evidence. Some of the questions to be taken into consideration include an example of a case where excluding evidence changed the outcome of the case. In addition, the paper will discuss the 4th and 14th amendments at length, giving justifications for the laws in the place. This case involves police that stopped a car belonging to Davis and arrested him for issuing wrong information to them. That is, Willies Gene Davis lied about his name. The police arrested him, cuffed him, and secured in the police car. This was followed by a search of his car, during which the police came across a firearm in his jacket pocket. David faced prosecution by the United States for possessing a firearm. Citing the 4th amendment, David moved to have the weapon
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Evaluation of Exploitation of World Politics Using Marxist Theory Essay
Evaluation of Exploitation of World Politics Using Marxist Theory - Essay Example This essay stresses that The paradigm of Marxian production kind of politics where the economically strong exploit the weak has unfortunately laid emphasis on the historical materialism. That is, in the modes of production, yet little attention has been set aside for the historical importance of race difference, state-building, war, morality, and culture, etc. Further, within the confines of Marxian theories, a nation-state’s political vision would be limited to the defense of abolition of class relations and commodity production without clear vision of social order necessary to secure freedom outside the sphere of production. The self-interest perversion have humbled humanity at the mercy of crumbling economic forces and the steadily increasing environmental harm which would soon make the planet inhabitable. This paper makes a conclusion that the modern day politics is marked by exploitation of the economically weak countries by those which are said to be economically giants and developed. Internationalization of production has seen some powerful state take control of the very means of production in the various countries upon which though foreign their influence still dictates the very distribution of the produced goods. The resultant is the creation of hegemonic international social structure where the powerful have full directorship of young and developing nations.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Marketing debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Marketing debate - Essay Example (Child, 1995) Product marketing is indeed of paramount importance when the comparison is drawn between the two but it is service marketing which takes the lead over its product counterpart due to a host of reasons, all of which are mentioned below. Marketing is selling a product before it has actually entered the market. By market we mean those sets of people or target audiences who will be catered this product so that they could satisfy one or more of their respective needs. With these we fathom that marketing aims not only to sell the product before it is even produced at the manufacturer’s end but also make sure that there are repeated purchases on the part of the customer who is a part of the target audience so to speak. Marketing in essence is a game plan for the strategic and tactical basis of the products that are sold through the help and facilitation of distribution channels, word of mouth approaches and formation of brand personalities and so on and so forth. People factor in the service encounter gains an even more significant position. Marketing a service is different from marketing a product because the role of employees has played an important role within an organization that is focused mainly on the delivery of state of the art service towards its customers on a day to day basis. Service marketing has remained the key for a long time, especially within the contexts where the same offers a creative edge over other service organizations – the competitors in essence. (Beckman, 1967) Service marketing is indeed different than product marketing as it pinpoints the absence of a tangible product in the first place and relies on providing the service in an impeccable way. What this does is to inculcate the same feelings of trust and belongingness with the customers which they receive when they purchase a product. However this sense of attachment with the
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Gender equality and Islam
Gender equality and Islam CHAPTER I Introduction Introduction Nowadays, in most of the time, whenever we consider about Islam, we immediately visualize suicide bombing, jihad, terrorism, violent protests, repressive regimes and veiled women in the Middle East. That means we, unknowingly, have a sense of negative feelings towards Islam world. Especially when we think about a muslin woman, we almost always think they are the victims who are suffering from gender discrimination, inequality and injustice. However, since my young age, whenever I found and met with muslin female friends, almost all of them are happy, friendly and peaceful and so I came to have doubts about the existence of gender inequality within muslin society. Especially when I started to study the course named Gender, Labor and Human Rights, I begin to have lots of questions on gender inequality issues in Islam world. This makes me to read a lot of books, papers and journals concerning gender problems in muslin countries. Therefore, in this paper, I try to make the analysis of ge nder inequality issues in Islam world. In my opinion, it is very important to know about another religion and culture properly and, otherwise, we can make wrong judgments on another religion and we can even make wrong accusation and improper insults on them. First of all, before we criticize any religion or any culture, we should remember what is written in Article 18 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance. (UN 1948) Therefore, we must respect their religion and, at the same time, we have to try to find ways to attain third Millennium Development goal which states Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women. Generally, it is mostly assumed that gender equality has been present in western countries long time ago. However, it is important to note that, until a hundred years ago, Western women had virtually no rights in law or practice. It means gender inequality has been in place for quite a long time not just in Muslim world, but also in a lot of countries around the world. However, when we look into the Quran, it can be seen that Islam gave far-reaching rights and a defined status to women before the first European woman suffragette. Therefore, the general assumption of the presence of gender inequality in Islam cannot be correct and so we do need to find out why gender discrimination came into existence in Muslim world and how we can help and bring gender equality for Islamic women. Therefore, in my paper, I will try to explore and analyze what caused gender discrimination to be present in Muslim world and examine whether is it is possible attain gender equality goal within the framework of Islam religion. Before I mention my analytical framework, I would like to describe seven types of gender inequality which is stated by Amartya Sen. He differentiated and categorized gender inequality into seven different forms such as mortality inequality, natality inequality, Basic facility inequality, special opportunity inequality, professional inequality, ownership inequality and household inequality (Sen 2001). It would be perfect if I can go into details in these seven issues and check whether it is prevalent and how intense it is in Muslim world. However, because of the limitation of time and space here, I will analyze based on four perspectives namely economic, educational, health and political perspectives, using two case studies on Tunisia and Indonesia. Finally, I will try to answer how gender equality could be achieved in Muslim World. Background Information of Islam What is Islam? The very word Islam translates from Arabic as submission or obedience (to the will and laws of Allah as set down in the Quran) and the word Muslim, with the same Arabic root, means that person or thing which obeys Allahs law. (Horrie and Chippindale 2001) One of the key institutions of Islam is the Islamic law (Sharia). The Sharia is derived from the Quran and Hadith the texts that record the sayings and practice of the prophet, which have been compiled over a century after the death of the prophet Mohammad (Starken 2005). In fact, when we look back into the history, it can be found that Islam, Judaism and Christian religions have quite close relations in the past, but, now, they have been quite different in their contents and beliefs. Whatsoever, it is not a deniable fact that those muslin countries in the Middle East did possess a glorious time in the past. Since 622AD (CE) when Islam was founded, this Religion has been spreading all over the world and, now, the number of Islam believers reached 1.5 billion in 2005. It became the second largest religion after Christianity and it is still growing at 19%. Additionally, throughout evolution over time, Islam has been differentiated into several categories. In certain ways, Muslims are the same everywhere, and yet their societies are different everywhere. Confronted by the wide range and diversity of Muslim societies, the present generation of writers suggests their categorization thus: Moroccan Islam, Pakistani Islam, Malay Islam and so on. (Ahmed 2002) Nowadays, at the time of globalization, Islam religion has been questioned by the west whether this religion is against human rights or not. At the same time, gender discrimination issue also becomes a very controversial topic for Islam among international scholars. CHAPTER II Islam and Gender Islam and Gender equality According to the global gender gap index 2009, it can be found that most Middle East and North Africa region countries not only continue to perform far below the global average, but also do not show much improvement over the last year or have deteriorated with the exceptions of Israel, Bahrain, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, each of which has improved as compared with their absolute scores in 2008. (Hausmann et al. 2009). Moreover, out of 134 countries, the countries which got the least overall gender index score are mostly from Muslin countries, with Yemen at the bottom. In addition, we generally perceived that muslin women are denied a number of basic human rights under Islam, which range from the requirement of a guardian to enter a marriage to the obligation of the wife to obey her husband (Starken 2005). Additionally, we are hearing lots of stories about how women were set at a lower standard and bullied by muslin men and so we are nearly blaming Islam religion and Prophet Muhammad. However, when we really want to understand the whole situation as an unbiased analyst, we must be very careful in criticizing another religion. When we look into Quran, we can find that the basic premise of Quran is that women are spiritually and morally equal to men. In one verse, the Quran states: The Believers, men And women, are protectors, One of another: they enjoin What is evil: they observe Regular prayers, practice Regular charity, and obey God and His Apostle. This ethical and religious equality between men and women can be summed up in terms of respect between spouses, obedience to God, and practice of the five pillars of Islam. Their roles are defined as complementary. Other Quranic laws preached several enlightened ideas in favor of women, such as property and educational rights (Halila 1984). Concerning education, the Quran Sura 35 Verse 28 states: Those truly fear Allah, among His Servants, who have knowledge. Moreover, Prophets Hadiths repeatedly emphasizes the acquirement of education and knowledge for every Muslim male and female. For example, one Hadith states that , Seeking knowledge is a duty of every Muslim, man or woman. (Ayisha Lemu 1978:25). Another Hadith states, Seek knowledge from the cradle to grave. (1978: 25). Another Hadith states that, Father, if he educates his daughter well, will enter Paradise. (The World Bank Report July 9, 1993: 25). Yet another Hadith states that, A mother is a school. If she is educated, then a whole people are educated (Shamley 2009). Moreover, there are still a lot of verses in which womens rights are well-stated and so it is sure that gender equality is not something incompatible with Islam religion itself. Factors for Gender Inequality in Muslim World Historical Factors First of all, we cannot forget about the long history of patriarchal dominance throughout the history in which most of the Islamic writings are almost exclusively in the hands of male religious scholars who interpreted in patriarchal way. Additionally, Muslins faced Eurepean colonization almost inevitable. Moreover, we can find lots of misusage of Islamic religion throughout the history by many a king. Hence, in 1981, Iman Khomeini said: Unfortunately, true Islam lasted for only a brief period after its inception. First the Umayyads and then the Abbasids inflicted all kinds of damage on Islam. Later the monarchs ruling Iran continued on the same path; they completely distorted Islam and established something quite different in its place. The process was begun by the Umayyads, who changed the nature of government from divine and spiritual to worldly. Their rule was based on Arabism, the principle of promoting the arabs over all other peoples, which was an aim fundamentally opposed to Islam and its desire to abolish nationality and united all mankind in a single community, under the aegis of a state indifferent to the matter of race and colour. It was the aim of Umayyads to distort Islam completely by reviving the Arabism of the pre-Islamic age of ignorance, and the same aim is still pursued by the leaders of certain Arab countries, who declare openly their desire to revive the Arabism of the Umayyads, which is nothing but the Arabism of the Fahiliyya. (Ahmed 2002) Moreover, concerning one of the most well-known issues, head scarf, it is not really according to Islam religion since Quran itself instruct women to cover their hair, breasts and private parts in public and not ask anything more. However, forcing women to cover their entire bodies as in much of Arabia and Iran is again cultural rather than Quranic, as are many other examples of discrimination against, or maltreatment of, women throughout the Muslim world. These include the practice of removing parts of the female genitals, so-called female circumcision or genital mutilation which is widespread in Muslim Arabia and Africa. Whilst the Quran does place restrictions on Muslim women, it also guarantees them the right to own and inherit property, to participate fully in political affairs and to sue for divorce in short a complete, separate legal identity. (Horrie and Chippindale 2001) Even though Prophet Mohammed did not discriminate women, after his death, religious scholars, kings and administrators elaborated and exaggerated the idea of mens role as protectors and very much reshaped Quranic injunctions in ways that suited them (Halila 1984). Colonial Factors Another important causal factor for gender inequality lies in colonialism. The impact of colonialism from the last century onwards affected society externally and internally in the most extreme manner. First and foremost, the already existing sexual divisions and roles of labour were further exaggerated. Colonialism imposed foreign values at the same time as it destroyed or eroded native ones. As a result, society collapsed internally, its destiny unsure, its confidence evaporated. Man retreated into the shell of rigid customs and sterile ritual, finding a form of security there. They also forced their women to hide behind burkhsa (shuttlecock veils) and remain invisible in the courtyards of their homes. In India, Mughal princesses were reduced to becoming prostitutes. The stereotype of Oriental females as chattels and playthings was formed. It was a bad time for Islam, a time of retreat. When the European masters began to leave from the middle of the twentieth century Muslim women were to be glimpsed still in various degrees of deprivation and subjugation. They still have to recover. Too much has been damaged. Deprived of economic and hereditary rights, and everywhere behind men in education, women formed into an inferior class. The actual situation of women, their social status and privileges, is usually far removed from the Islamic idea, whether in the tribe, village or the city. (Ahmed 2002) In fact, the Islamic civilization was virtually wiped out during the era of Colonialism, and thus what is left is a confused jumble of customs, religious ideas, imported governmental structures, political turmoil, and poverty (Emerick 2002). Economic Factors One important point we could miss to take into account is economic impact on gender issues. First, we cannot deny the existence of gender discrimination on labor issue in this world. Before we solve the division of labor and wages problems among men and women, it is very important to introduce women into the labor industry which will keep them out of their confined kitchens where they cannot learn anything and can get no idea to improve their gender role. As long as the women are engaged in Labor force, they can still at least get access to economic opportunities which have lots of impacts on their lives. However, it depends on the type of economy in which the country is introduced for women to get better access to labor markets. In Middle East oil-rich countries, the economic growth due to oil and mineral extraction is found to be a major cause for underrepresentation of women in the workforce. First of all, oil production did shape the country economy. When countries discover oil, their new wealth tends to produce an economic condition called the Dutch Disease, which is characterized by a rise in the real exchange rate, and a transformation of the economy away from the traded sector (agriculture and manufacturing) towards the non-traded sector (construction and services) (Corden and Neary 1982). Hence, in oil-rich Middle East countries, the traded sector cannot flourish and only non-traded sector becomes dominant. In many developing countries, women are largely employed in the traded sector, in low-wage jobs in export-oriented factories and agriculture; and they are excluded from many parts of the non-traded sector, such as construction and retail, since these jobs typically entail heavy labor, or contact w ith men outside the family (Anker 1997). Therefore, oil booming resulted in the inability and failure of women to join the nonagricultural labor force in non-traded sector. In fact, the entry of women to the labor force can boost female political influence since women in the workforce get a chance to form and join informal networks by which they can later attain collective action to lobby, influence and change a nations policy for the betterment of women. In those oil-rich Middle East countries, since the women miss chances to join workforce, they are far from acquiring collective bargaining power and they cannot influence in politics and policy making of the country. Hence, the lack of womens participation in economy has important policy implications. First, it reduced economic opportunities for women. Second, it reduced their political influence. Third, it may foster Islamic fundamentalism (Ross 2008). A recent study of 18 countries found that when Muslim women had fewer economic opportunities, they were more likely to support fundamentalist Islam (Lisa Blaydes and Drew Linzer 2006). Therefore, here, it is very important to accept and admit historical, colonial and economic causes as the real causes for gender inequalities in Islam. CHAPTER III CASE STUDIES Case Study One: Tunisia Background Information of Islam in Tunisia Tunisia was decolonized from French colonial rule in 1956, and Tunisia was led for three decades by Habib Bourguiba, who advanced secular ideas, including emancipation for women, the abolition of polygamy and compulsory free education. Within a few months after independence, the government changed the former family code and accelerated the enrolment of girls in primary and secondary schools and so, by the 1980s, enrolment rates for both girls and boys became very high. In 1987, Ziane El Abidine Ben Ali, who continued with a hard line against Islamic extremists, became president and he is still in power up to now. Tunisia is in the centre of North Africa and it has the population of 10.2 million according to UN in 2009 (BBC 2009). Its human development index (HDI) in 2009 is 0.769, falling in medium development group and it got 98th rank around the world (UNDP 2009). Even though it is a muslin country, womens right in Tunisia is among the most advanced in the Arab world. Gender Equality Movement in Tunisia In Tunisia, womens liberation movement went hand in hand with the efforts to free the country from colonization. The first advocates of womens liberation were the first nationalist leaders. The most prominent nationalist and feminist figure in Tunisia was Abdellaziz Thoalbi, who coauthored a progressive book called The Liberal Spirit of the Koran published in Paris in 1905. In this book some Quranic laws pertaining to women were reinterpreted from a liberal point of view, and education reforms and a progressive unveiling of women were called for (Halila, 1984). In 1930, when the feminist movement gained momentum, Tahar Haddad, a young intellectual, worte a revolutionary book called Our Women in Islamic Law and Society, in which he called for reforms in favor of women. In 1935, another attempt was led by a group of nationalist students, studying in French universities, who published the first feminist journal, Leila, in which the problems involved in the progressive emancipation of Tu nisian women were addressed.their emancipation platform included important points such as access to education and the abolition of the veil. As feminism and nationalism ran parallel in the 1930s, so did effective emancipation and social modernization in the postindependence era (Halila, 1984). Economic Impact on gender role in Tunisia Unlike other Middle East countries, Tunisia has a diverse economy with important agricultural, mining, tourism and manufacturing sectors (Horrie and Chippindale, 2001). Tunisia expanded its textile industry (traded sector) since about 1970 through exports, relying on low-wage female labor, and weathering changes in European trade policies and, now, it has the highest female labor participation together with Morocco in the Middle East. This high rate of womens participation in labor force has contributed to its unusually large and vigorous gender rights movements. Moreover, Tunisia has womens organizations that focus on female labor issues, including the right to maternity leave, raising the minimum work age, sexual harassment, and gaining rights for domestic workers. The womens movement began with an important advantage: shortly after independence, President Bourguiba adopted a national family law that gave women greater equality in marriage, and opened the door to major improvements in female education and employment (Rose 2008). Impacts and Achievements of Womens Rights Movement within Islamic religious Framework Thanks to all-out efforts of feminists along the history, Tunisia achieved lots of success in gender issue. One of the spectacular successes in the history of emancipation was the abolition of polygyny. The third verse of the fourth Surah mentioned as: If ye fear that ye shall not Be able to deal justly With the orphans, Marry women of your choice, Two or three, or four. And the same verse of Surah IV goes on to say: But if ye fear that ye shall not Be able to deal justly (with them), Then only one In a latter verse, it is mentioned Ye are never able To be fair and just As between women, Even if it is Your ardent desire: (Surah IV, Verse 129) Mahmoud Al-Annabi, president of the Court of Appeal, remarked: In order to protect the family, it was decided to take into account the impossibility of treating two or more wives equally. Moreover, President Bouguiba stated in his official speech on 13 August 1976 as: Polygamy is no longer acceptable in the twentieth century and constitutes an insult to the spirit of justice God never ordered that womans dignity should be trampled underfoot nor that she should be made mans victim. Finally, the modern Tunisia simply chose to outlaw polygyny in Article 18: Polygamy is prohibited. Marrying more than one shall incur a punishment of one years imprisonment and a fine of 240,000 francs or either of these. The legislation wanted to prove that, while polygyny was implicitly permitted, it was not an obligation (Halila, 1984). Additionally, lots of reinterpretation of Quran were done and women got more spaces in other issues such as marriage, divorce, dowry, the veil, etc. Later on, the womens movement has been more successful, raising the fraction of female-held parliamentary seats form 6.7% in 1995 to 22.8% in 2002 the highest in the Middle East, and higher than in Western countries like the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada (Rose 2008). Concerning education, the percentage of matriculation of girls in primary and secondary school increased from 34.6% in 1967 to 40.9% in 1980, and from 25.8% in 1964 to 36% in 1980 respectively (Halila, 1984). According to the Gender Gap Index 2009 Report as in the figure 2, Tunisia scored 0.623 and it was ranked as 109th out of 134 countries (Hausmann et al. 2009). In terms of political empowerment, it ranked 77th and it got 97th in terms of educational attainment. Concerning health, its maternal mortality ratio per 100,000 live births is 100 and maternity benefits are well covered by social security services and so Tunisia got 90 the rank. Concerning employment issue, female adult unemployment rate is 17.33% and male adult unemployment rate is 13.11% and so the gap is not much different. Even though Tunisia is a muslin country, it has been very successful in gender relations and so it means gender inequality issue does not totally depend on the religion. In case of Tunisia, it is very obvious that their gender equality can be promoted thanks to the reinterpretation of the Quran and their way of economic growth depending on traded sector which brings and engages lots of women into the workforce. Nowadays, Tunisia became a unique example of successful reform among Arab and Muslim countries. Therefore, we cannot blame the religion all the time for gender inequality issue and Tunisia is a very remarkable example that gender equality is possible to be achieved within the Islamic religious framework. Case Study: Indonesia Background Information of Islam in Indonesia The Republic of Indonesia is the world fourth most populated country and it got independence on 17 August 1945 after Japans surrender (Database 2008). Its human development index (HDI) in 2009 is 0.734, falling in medium development group and it got 111th rank around the world (UNDP 2009). It has the largest population of Muslims in the world and it is commonly stated that 90% of its over 230 million inhabitants are Muslims (wieringa 2006). Islam came into existence in Indonesia during the 13th century and, since the beginning of 19th century, due to the spread of Dutch colonialism, patriarchal culture was strengthened and institutionalized primarily in the legal system. Accordingly, even though the constitution guaranteed every citizen equality under law and government, Indonesian family law still applied different legal principles to different groups based on religion, customs and gender. This can be primarily attributed to a patriarchal interpretation of Islam (Katjasungkana 2004) . Soon after independence, Islamic groups have been fighting for the establishment of an Islamic state. In the late 1965 and the early 1966, at the time when Sukarno was replaced by Suharto, the two major groups, namely Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and the more rigid Muhammadiyah, grew closer and Suhartos New Order state was built on womens social, political, and sexual subordination, a policy justified by both anti-Communist and Islamic sentiments (wieringa, 2006). Various laws were enacted in which womens subordinate position was entrenched, such as the 1974 marriage law (Katjasungkana and Wieringa, 2003). As a result, the women became more suppressed than ever before. It has been a long way Indonesian feminist scholar, activists and women have struggled for womens rights within Islamic religious framework. Gender Equality Movement in Indonesia A Muslim feminist discourse is built around the reform of Islam along gender-sensitive terms, incorporating womens rights, such as those contained in the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) (wieringa, 2006) . In those movements for Womens Rights, non-governmental organizations (NGO) play a major role and so UNIEFM stated and recognized that Indonesia has a strong NGO base, working to end violence against women, fighting for new government policies and providing assistance for women who have experienced violence (UNIFEM 2009). After the destruction of the womens movement in 1965-66, after the fall of Surkano, Yasanti founded in 1982 by some young Muslim activists was the first reappearing feminist organization (Wieringa, 2006). One of the best-known womens rights organizations is the Indonesian Womens Association for Justice (Asosiasi Perempuan Indonesia untuk Keadilan, APIK) which was established in August 1995 to fight for gender justice in Indonesia, using the concept of gender and transformative legal aid. APIK launched legal assistance program, its core program, by which it provided direct legal aid to women who are victims of violence and discrimination. APIK conducted this program in the form of consultations (direct, via email or by telephone) and litigation (representing and accompanying clients, who are referred to as partners so as not to form a patronage relationship inside and outside the court). It was also active in the fields of legal advocacy and training, and conducted research (Research and Policy Study Program) on The history of the Marriage Law The response of religion towards gender stereotyping The impact of gender stereotyping in the Marriage Law on various state policies The attitude of poor communities towards gender stereotyping Discrimination of women in the legal system as observed from CEDAW Articles in the Quran and Hadith that support the principle of gender equality The position of women under Islamic Law in Indonesia Baseline research on VAW Impact of gender stereotyping on the working conditions of low-income women An alternative Report on the implementation of CEDAW in Indonesia Moreover, APIK provide legal information to the public and specific target groups through campaigning and public education. It also strengthened a national network for feminist legal activities, both nationally and internationally (Katjasungkana 2004). APIK claimed that Islam is not only for women but for the whole of humanity, women included. They distinguished between the basic principles of Islam, which are unchangeable, and fiqhi, the thoughts of the ulema (Muslim scholars), who are only human after all and therefore prone to biases. They advocated legal reform in Indonesia in which gender biases introduced by fallible fiqhi are eliminated (Wieringa, 2006). Nursyahbani Katjasungkana, APIKs founder, introduced the concept of gender-sensitive transformative legal aid (Katjasungkana and Wieringa, 2003). Then, a broad range of womens organizations were involved in these debates and struggles. The major groups are APIK, the Womens Research Institute, and the mass-based Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia (KPI; Coalition of Indonesian Women for Justice and Democracy), the secular Womens Human Rights Commission. Even Shinta Nuriyah who is the wife of NU leader and former president Abdulrachman Wahid and Musdah Mulia who is the head of the gen der unit of the otherwise very conservative Ministry of Religion joined the movement (Wieringa, 2006). Impacts and Achievements of Womens Rights Movement within Islamic religious Framework Needless to say, womens organizations fought a very long, hard and tough battle in the midst of suppressive regime, Islamic fundamentalists and extremists. Often, they were violently intervened by arresting, detaining, even kidnapping and murdering female activist (Katjasungkana, 2004). However, because of their relentless efforts, women can move much forward than ever before. On top of their couragous advances, the downfall of the New Order government of Soharto in 1998 offered great opportunities to non-governmental organi
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