Monday, January 27, 2020
Concept of internal marketing
Concept of internal marketing The concept of internal marketing The concept of internal marketing is a tool that companies use within their workforce to communicate with their employees. Many company owners and authors of internal marketing believe this concept is as important to a companys survival as external marketing (communicating to customers). When communicating to employees this involves the communications of â€Å"corporate culture and goals, mission and vision statements, as well as personnel policies and procedures†. Internal marketing was introduced in the mid 1970s. This was initiated so companies could use the concept as a way of achieving consistent service quality. Internal marketing became known in the service marketing industry. The objective of this concept was to get a more improved performance from the employees who regularly dealt with customers. Although this concept began within the service marketing it has now broadened beyond and is included in many other companies and organisations. Ahmed and Rafiq authors of the book Internal Marketing: Tools and concepts for customer-focused management suggest that authors have many definitions of internal marketing and from studying the literature they have highlighted 5 main elements of the concept; Employee motivation and satisfaction Customer orientation and customer satisfaction Inter-functional co-ordination and integration Marketing-like approach to the above Implementation of specific corporate or functional strategies Employee motivation is a significant element of the concept, for many authors understand this to be the essence of what internal marketing to be. An employees attitude towards their own work place is believed to directly influence the value of the customer service that is given to consumers. This was summarised by Kusluvan (2003) â€Å"Internal marketing efforts are assumed to result in employee satisfaction, job involvement, work motivation, employee commitment, maximum employee effort on behalf of the organizations and customers, increased job performance, service-oriented behaviours and lower turnover which, in turn should improve service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty†Kusluvan, S (2003) pg:42. There are many other definitions of internal marketing. Ahmed and Rafiq argue that the span of understanding about internal marketing from other authors is huge but vague in its limitations. One of the earlier studies by the author Berry, L (1974) believed that â€Å"effective internal marketing, which would contribute to effective marketing would require financially rewarding personnel, management commitment to sales training and self-development revision of personnel transfer policies and a redefinition of management in terms of helping people to achieve through work†(p.13). Berry along with Pasuraman (1991) later added another definition to the concept in their book Marketing services: Competing Through Quality by stating â€Å"Internal marketing is attracting, developing, motivating and retaining qualified employees through job-products that satisfy their needs. Internal marketing is the philosophy of treating employees as customers and it is the strategy of shaping job -products to fit human needs†(pg 26). These authors believed that there was a set of principles to treating employees fairly and motivating them. They also highlighted the belief that employee satisfaction was an important element of internal marketing. The definition by these authors stress the importance that employee satisfaction is needed in order to develop, motivate and retain the best and most qualified employees. From these two definitions given by Barry you can understand that the concept of internal marketing is a broad notion. The American Marketing Association have given a more simplistic and modern definition for the concept â€Å"marketing to employees of an organization to ensure that they are effectively carrying out desired programs and policies†. This definition doesnt give readers a breadth understanding of the concept. Unlike Berrys (1991) definition it doesnt justify how internal marketing can be achieved in the workplace and it also doesnt explain the ways in which employees are to be marketed to ensure the work carried out by them is effective and of a good standard. An important element of internal marketing as said earlier is motivation [motivating the work force]. Considered by many authors as the ‘grandfather of all definitions on internal marketing Grà ¶nroos (1994) created a definition which saw the efforts of motivating employees as very important. Grà ¶nroos had two previous definitions both created in 1981 which suggests that internal marketing is the selling of the firm to employees who are seen as the internal customers. Grà ¶nroos believed that â€Å"the higher employee satisfaction that will result will make it possible to develop a more customer-focused and market-oriented firm†(Cahill, 1996, p.4). Grà ¶nroos 1994 article looks into motivation and states that â€Å"the internal market of employees is best motivated for service mindedness and customer-oriented performance by an active, marketing-like approach, where a variety of activities are used internally in an active, marketing like and coordinated way†(Grà ¶nroos, 1994, p. 13). This definition, as well as Johnson and Seymours (1985) definition which explains internal marketing should â€Å"create an internal environment which supports customer consciousness and sales-mindedness†. Both definitions highlight the fact that internal marketing is about the service and sales mindedness of the customers. There are other recent definitions of the concept of internal marketing by Ballantyne (2000) which suggests that internal marketing â€Å"is a strategy for developing relationships between staff across internal organisational boundaries. This is done so that staff autonomy and know-how may combine in opening up knowledge generating processes that challenge any internal activities that need to be changed. The purpose of this activity is to enhance quality of external marketing relationships†(pg: 43). This definition emphasises the importance of the relationship between the staff and the organisation and how internal marketing is a strategy that will allow this relationship to become stronger. It also highlights the fact that building on the relationship can enhance the service quality and also their relationship with their external markets. To evaluate how affective internal marketing is with employees companies usually give staff seasonal or yearly surveys which they will us e to measure the affects of their internal marketing efforts. There are many answers to what can actually make a successful company. Some may say its the companys ability to adapt to the market or even a companys high level of customer retention and many believe successful companies are created from within the organisation. Communicating internally but affectively to your internal market (employees) many authors believe is an important attribute for company success, An article written in 2007 about the importance of internal marketing suggested thatâ€Å"Internal communications is traditionally viewed as the sole province of the Human Resources department,†and the article continued by stressing the importance that employees have over effective external marketing â€Å"When employees understand and commit to the value proposition of the company and its brands, external marketing becomes more effective, because the employees become product champions†. As the pace of the economy is fast changing and the recent recession has affected many companys survival, internal marketing grows increasingly important. Due to the recession and the increasing pace of change in the workforce, there has been news of many companys creating alliances with one another, merging with one another and also downsizing as a whole. During these hard times employee motivation is extremely important, especially if every employee is understandably beginning to have concerns about their own companys survival or their current job position. Organisations must instil within these employees some sort of strength and satisfaction that would mean that the employees would continue working and at a good level. Generally, a strategy that many companies use and one which coincides with Ballantynes (2000) definition is that companies â€Å"empower staff to build stronger customer relationship†. Internal marketing supports this strategy (or theory some might say) and suggests that through staff empowerment employees will drive for better understanding, they will have a deeper commitment to the relationship they hold with the organisation and as a result there will be greater involvement from the staff. While todays diverse work force becomes more complicated there are a few barriers which can possibly affect how internal marketing is kept within an organisation. In the book Internal marketing: directions for management, Varey R and Lewis B explain these barriers. The first and probably the most important barrier would be the employees and an organisations ‘resistance to change. Kotler (1990) believed that problems can occur from an organisations ‘built-in â€Å"resistance of management to change†(Percy and Morgan 1990). Managers often do not consider new ideas brought about their company, and this is because a change in the work place can bring forth an overall fear of concern about their job and future positions. Other barriers to internal marketing are ‘inter and intra functional conflict. Inter-functional conflicts often occur when a senior managers assumption of their organisational culture is ill-advised and as a consequence managers may become unaware of the issues and problems which affect prolific activities or â€Å"co-operation and integration†(pg: 78). Intra-functional conflicts are basically when one internal function fails to recognise another internal function. Intra-functional conflicts on the other hand are where the goals and objectives of the organisation and its departments are different to the individual and personal goals of employees. â€Å"It occurs because individuals have different goal, desires and ambitions, and will be submerged in different social spheres of interaction that will impact upon their overall attitude and behaviour†. (Pg: 79) If ever these barriers work in cohesion then it can spell big trouble for any organisation. Although the three chosen are seem as the major barriers affecting the use of internal marketing within an organisation there are also a few other problems which can affect successful implementation of the concept. 1, managerial incompetence 2, poor understand of the internal marketing concept 3, rigid organisational structure and 4, top members of staff treating employees like they are unimportant to the business. Anon (2007) Internal Marketing Kotler P, Bowen J and Makens J (2003) have stated 5 importances of internal marketing; Employees must have a customer service attitude Employees must understand your product Employees must be enthused about your product and your company There must be good communication between employees and management Employees must be able to identify and solve customer problems Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism 3e (2003) Generally employees of organisations, especially those who communicate directly with customers can have an influence on customer satisfaction. The authors suggest that these are 5 important features of internal marketing and in order for it to be affective organisations must aide in ensuring that employees behave in a desired manner expected of them from the organisation. Internal market in todays industry is needed because as Berry L Pasuraman A (1991) stated it serves as a â€Å"managerial philosophy†that a company deploys on to employees that in turn would teach the employees how to maintain good high standard of affective customer service. Within organisations employees are recognised as a major part of the capabilities that service organisations produce. â€Å"The popular view is that employees constitute an internal market in which paid labour is exchanged for designated outputs.†Fill C (2009) pg: 895. Fill suggests if the objective of an organisations internal market is kept then employees will reap the benefits through paid labour. Kotler P, Bowen J and Makens J (2003) have proposed that these are the four objectives of internal marketing; To ensure that employees are motivated for customer-oriented and service-minded performance. To retain good employees. To increase customer satisfaction To increase profitability Some may argue that the main objective of internal marketing is to retain suitable and efficient employee personnel. As a means of retaining these ideal employees, organisations develop motivated and customer-conscious staff which while working simultaneously and cohesively can work towards achieving absolute customer satisfaction. There is a philosophy in internal marketing that every action made within the organisation is oriented towards this sole purpose. As times and the economy change so would the process of internal marketing. The model above shows four steps of internal marketing. Some authors believe this model to be too vague and feel that the complexity of the internal market or many organisations cannot be met by four simple steps. Grà ¶nroos (1996) believes â€Å"The internal marketing process is not to be viewed as a process, which only moves in one direction from the top down. On the contrary, the process needs to be directed from and to every side of the organisation in order for it to be successful†As it is important that an organisations internal marketing objectives are met by its employees, an organisation will produce an internal environment that staff will need to function in to a desired way recommended to them by their company. In the article Internal Marketing (2007) it is written that there are four important areas within an organisations internal environment which are essential for the organisations internal market: Motivation Co-ordination Information Education Internal Marketing from engineer sood These four areas have come up many times in definitions by numerous authors and combined create the four objectives of internal marketing that organisational managers should be trying to reach from their employees. If these are reached then as a result the employees work would drive the profitability of the organisation to a positive and effective level. To conclude in many definitions you will read internal marketing being referred to as a concept that aims on â€Å" attracting, developing, motivating and retaining qualified employee†Berry Pasuraman (1991). In some other cases you will read that internal marketing is a philosophy whereby employees are treated as customers or even in some cases where organisations will basically teach employees a specific way of working in the work place and handling customers. Internal marketing has come a long way since it was first proposed in the service marketing industry in the 1970s. The role of marketing in general has undergone many changes. Organisations have begun networking with one another and members of organisations have begun sharing responsibilities and working as teams. Although many if not all definitions of the term ‘internal marketing can still be relevant to today, the concept in itself over the past 40 years has become one which is/will constantly change as long as the world of business changes. From a concept which first focused on supporting the consciousness and sales-mindedness of employees to one which broadens its scope and understands that the concept is much more profound and more complex to achieve good employee to customer service quality. Key words such as ‘relationships, or ‘motivate and philosophy are now being used in the more modern terms of the definition. J.N. Sheth suggests â€Å"motivation is what moves people. It is the driving force for all human behaviour or more formally, it is ‘the state of drive or arousal that impels behaviour toward a goal objective†(Sheth et al 1999). Indeed, motivating employees has continually been used by authors since the concept of internal marketing was initiated , and although motivating employees to work harder and more efficiently is seen to be very important, organisations also need to understand and create a way of making employees enjoy the work that they are doing. Content workforces which take pleasure in their work are understood to be more productive and affective, which in turn creates a better service and customer experience.Organisations must instil within these employees some sort of strength and satisfaction that would encourage the employees to continue working and at a good level. As the new age dawns many organisations have even used employees to help sell their company e.g. Halifax. Halifax adverts and many other adverts similar to this have used employees as a way of advertising to external customers about big internal changes to policies and procedures that the company may be having. You see adverts everywhere with pictures of employees holding offers or incentives from their company or maybe even different adverts where employees are actually talking to the camera. This can be seen as a form or a strategy used for internal marketing. As a good employee is as important to a company as the employer, employees may feel the need to get more involved with company actions and strategies. In the article Internal Marketing (2007) it was stated that one of the problems which could affect the successful implementation of internal marketing is the ignoring of an employees importance to the company and treating them like any other tool of the business. Companies such as The Carphone Warehouse have their own internal marketing strategy whereby they are accompanied by new employees on a weekend of training. On this expedition employees are taught how to deal with customers, they are given information about the company and objectives that the company and each individual employee are and should be trying to reach, they are taught many things about the products sold in the shops, how to deal with complaints and they are also taught ways in which they should act in the workplace (the rules and codes of conducts). Organisations which take on the strategy to market internally must have a clear and precise objective and mission. The objectives of the organisation must be very clear if it is to correspond with how managers internally market their company to employees. If objectives are clear there will be no confusion within the staff on how to do things and what to aim for. This will help the process of knowledge development of the employee by piecing together understanding and loyalty to individual development. As a personal definition of the term internal marketing one would define it as an internal culture created by the managers of an organisation. This culture allows employees to express their creativity and innovative selves to an extent where they still show responsibility and accountability. It is the selling of the ideals and objectives of the company to the employees so that they work harder towards the goal of ultimate success. Developing and motivating employees are strategies deployed to attain the best qualified staff which would allow organisations to reach set objectives. It is a concept which can be evaluated seasonally through surveys and observations of the employees. Internal marketing should be used to meet the expectations of customers, instead internal marketing should be used to exceed them.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Meru Cabs: A spectacular growth story Essay
About Meru Cabs: Meru Cabs, operating in four metros of the country has popularised and boosted the concept of radio cabs. â€Å"Today almost 70 per cent of our passengers say that they travel by ‘Meru’ instead of calling it a ‘taxi’ and this is what has been our focus.†– Gavin Dabreo, VP-Sales & Marketing, Meru Cabs Meru now runs a fleet of 5,000 taxis in Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Delhi and has 700 employees. The company has a top line of Rs 350crores (76mn USD) -> assets on roads. The company plans to invest $100 million and aims to generate $500 million revenue in five years. Meru’s Operational Sub Processes: Customer acquisition Booking Management Cab Delivery Service Delivery Meru Cabs: Competition Analysis: Strategy Map for Meru Cabs Technology & Development Challenges ORACLE ERP Back-end system & Siebel CRM Competitive Rivalry Internal organizational Challenges Challenges from Suppliers & Buyers Growth and Potential Challenges Conslusion: Meru cabs is doing a lot to survice in the market to maintain its positions in the markets. Paper: Growth and Potential Challenges Table of Contents AC 1.2: process involved in strategic marketing:4 Segment the market4 Profile the market segments4 Develop a market segment marketing strategy4 Situational Analysis4 Marketing Objectives:5 Marketing Strategies:5 How to Use a Strategic Marketing:5 AC 1.3: links between strategic marketing and corporate strategy:5 Corporate strategy:5 Strategic marketing.5 Links:6 AC 2.1: marketing tool for jaguar car:7 Marketing mix 4p:7 PRODUCT:7 PROMOTION:7 PRICE:8 PLACE8 PEST analysis:8 SWOT analysis9 Strengths:9 Weaknesses:9 Opportunities:9 Threats10 AC 2.3: Current customer relationship marketing by the jaguar car company:10 Email:10 Call:10 Book a test drive:11 Contact with a dealer:11 Keep informed:11 AC 1.2: process involved in strategic marketing for Jaguar: The strategic marketing process typically has three stages: Segment the market * Geographic * Demographic * Psychographic * Behavior Profile the market segments * Revenue potential * Market share potential * Profitability potential Develop a market segment marketing strategy * Market leader or product line extension * Mass marketing or targeted marketing * Direct or indirect sales After analyzing market segments, customer interests, and the purchase process, it’s time to create the strategic marketing plan. The strategic marketing plan document usually includes: Situational Analysis Where is the company now? * Market Characteristics * Key Success Factors * Competition and Product Comparisons * Technology Considerations * Legal Environment * Social Environment * Problems and Opportunities Marketing†¦
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Native American Culture Essay
Estrangement is the state of being withdrawn or isolated from the objective world, as through indifference or disaffection. Ill-advisedly, the protagonist from â€Å"The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven†is forever bound in this state of mind. His internal conflicts enthrall between fighting for his Native American ethnicity, and, finding his purpose to this world. This link between the two becomes a challenge due to his pessimistic, and protective attitude for his race. The narrator’s volatile actions imply his frustration towards the discrimination against his native Spokane reservation heritage. The protagonists’ Native American upbringing intertwined with White culture challenges his Red and White thinking. The protagonists’ family style upbringing has distilled values that are outlived in his Native American identity. Unfortunately, the protagonist is quite protective of his Native American descent. In fact, his view of people is quite pessimistic towards the Native American race. This rigidness to his ethnicity is foretold in two parts. As humans, we are first born with an identity that is kept close to us, such as Native American, African American, or Grecian. Although we are born with uniqueness; the values we instill to our race are brought about through parent’s effort in raising their children. For Sherman Alexie, he’d developed a cynical character who bares strong connections to his Native American race. The protagonist’s existence and demeanor is uncanny because he’d been destined for a life of prosperity through public schooling and a college education. Found here, â€Å"But I was special, a former college student, a smart kid. I was one of those Indians who was supposed to make it. I was a new kind of warrior. †This quote reveals his sense of insecurity concerning his life thus far and how he has not lived up to his expectations. â€Å"The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven†exposes a few scenes where the main character is fighting for ethical freedom outside of Spokane. The protagonist’s discriminative experiences begin at a convenience store in Seattle where he feels like a predator lurking amongst his preys. As stated, â€Å"He looked me over so he could describe me to the police later. †The protagonist was familiar with this wicked look; as he’d lost a close relationship to its devilish hands once before. His loss began like this, â€Å"When one person starts to look at another like a criminal, then the love is over. †As Native American, these adverse impressions occur randomly as seen through the Police incident. In this scene, the protagonist had been pulled over in a wealthy neighborhood by the police officer, â€Å"You’re making people nervous. You don’t fit the profile of the neighborhood. †This was a friendly way of saying; you are not wanted in this area, please leave. These occurrences are upsetting to the narrator as they have affected his view of Whites. As the protagonist becomes disgusted with life, he packs his belongings and heads home to Spokane in Washington State. While home, he realizes that connecting to his family and finding peace is not easy. His weak-minded thinking is foreseen here,†They’d been expecting me back the day I left for Seattle. There’s an old Indian poet who said that Indians can reside in the city, but they can never live there. †In fact, while living in Seattle, his dreams became nightmares of a vivid war scene between the Red’s and Whites. The Indians became slaughtered by the Whites and at one point, â€Å"Three mounted soldiers played polo with a dead Indian woman’s head. †This graphic image stays with him as he found accounts of this madness occurred in the old west and in parts of the world today. The protagonist’s dreams and Native American ethnicity have instilled protective beliefs to his ethnicity and real life demeanor towards others. Although he’s strong-willed concerning his background, insecurity remains present. One instance occurs where he starts a job in Spokane at the local high school exchange program. He answers phone calls and asks himself, â€Å"Sometimes I wonder if the people on the other end of the line know that I’m Indian and if their voices would change if they did know. †His insecurity exponentially evolves to every facet in his life and only exacerbates his pessimistic attitude. The cynical behavior by the protagonist has incurred due to several discriminatory experiences. One being, the protagonist’s cup is full; which allows him to believe this Red vs. White rivalry will never change. Because of his ignorance, he leaves no trust to anyone and is forced to run when he encounters discrimination. One situation that symbolizes the protagonist’s doubtful thoughts is encountered at his hometown basketball court. He comes home to find the new BIA chief’s White kid named Jimmy Seyler who can play ball. â€Å"And he could play. He played Indian ball, fast and loose, better than all the Indians there. †That night, Jimmy whooped on every Indian who played Basketball. I recognize this as a change of tone and direction in the protagonist’s life. At this point in time, he realizes that he must submit to his Red vs. White rivalry in order to move forward in his life. Just as Jimmy will advance and become an NBA star, the gap between the two races, White and Indian will only become larger. Indian’s will control the small reservation plains out West while the White culture advances to become a powerhouse figure in the United States of America. Hereafter this epiphany, the protagonist’s life begins to move forward as he starts a new job and connects with his ex-girlfriend once again.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie Boyz N The Hood - 1268 Words
Boyz N the Hood, displays the challenging upbringing of adolescents who have to live with harsh conditions around not only their home but also their surrounding town. The film compares the differences between the lifestyles of Tre Styles and his friends’, Darren and Ricky Baker. Darren and Ricky are half-brothers who are nothing alike. Singleton demonstrates the importance of male leadership in a home in the ghetto of Los Angeles by comparing the difference between the lifestyles of Tre and his friends. While many adolescents in the hood have close friendships, some form close relationships by assembling gangs and create a world of violence due to alcohol abuse, which together ultimately breeds discrimination. The impoverished conditions in which the residents of this community live are difficult based on the surrounding violence and discrimination they face. Tre, Ricky’s best friend, is able to survive the surrounding violence and discrimination through his father’s sensational leadership; he therefore knows what to do in situations he faces among his friends. However, his friends are not so lucky. For example, Dough doesn’t have great leadership or a father figure, but is raised by a single mother who is determined to get her children to succeed; nevertheless, her main focus is Ricky because he has the most potential; he is an athlete who has trouble in school, but obtains All-American in football, looking to get a scholarship to USC. The mother’s lack of leadership overShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie Boyz N The Hood 1643 Words  | 7 PagesBoyz N the Hood draws on many topics we talk about in class. Most of the kids in the movie were from broken ho mes (only one biological parent present) and lived in poor living conditions. 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