Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Downfall of Russia essays
Defeat of Russia articles Tzar Nicholas II - defeat of Russia It was Tzar Nicholas 2 political naivete and extraordinary obstinance that prompted the ruin of the Russia Certain parts of Tsar Nicholas 2s conduct unquestionably added to realizing the fall of the Russian Empire, anyway the vast majority of these characteristics were not shortcomings in character in that capacity, they were characteristics we would connect with poor authority. At the point when we state shortcoming in character we mean being handily affected/constrained by others. Nicholas himself was a firm adherent to totalitarianism; he was for all intents and purposes ardent in this conviction. Also, this obstinant conviction plainly delineates he adhered to his convictions, in spite of the fact that in his initial a long time as tsar his uncles had immense impact. All things considered, the fall of the Russian Empire was not every one of the an aftereffect of Nicholas character and poor authority characteristics, we should likewise observe that the immense financial changes occurring just as the flare-up WW1 gigantically impacted the happening of and the planning of the unrest. The se progressions would be difficult for any legislature to oversee. Nicholas 2s firm and obstinant conviction of his promise to dictatorship can be unmistakably found in a letter of answer he sent to a liberal zemstvo head before his crowning ordinance. I will keep up the head of totalitarianism similarly as immovably and unflinchingly as it was saved by my exceptional dead dad (Alexandra 3)(Nicholas confidence in dictatorship they would have been settled. Pobenonstev was once called The Highest Priest of Social Stagnation. He once announced, Among the falsest of political standards is the guideline of power of the individuals. In his initial masculinity Nicholas lived th... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Midwifes tale Essay Example For Students
A Midwifes story Essay : The Life of Martha Ballard Based on Her Diary, 1785-1812 by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. (New York: Vintage Books, 1990, 444 pp, maps, photographs, shortened forms, notes, list.) Laurel Thatcher Ulrich?s depiction of Martha Ballard?s life shows the exceptional estimates doctors experienced to treat their patients and the lifestyle for these occasions. Shrub Thatcher Ulrich?s book describes mid 1800s medication as well as how the individuals of their occasions was seen. Ulrich talks about how ladies in this time were seen as an agreeable gathering that did what the job set by men ought to be. Ulrich?s book was composed from point by point notes taken by birthing assistant Martha Ballard?s journal that fills in the holes that the appointed history book America a Concise History left.In the book America a Concise History it makes reference to a short depiction of infirmities in the network yet doesn?t center around particulars of the illnesses or how they were dealt with. maps and tables are straightforward, extremely plain as day, just as fused into the topic of the section with an embellishment accuracy. My over all investigation of this novel is that its strange configuration might be hard for certain perusers from the outset while others will be capable ingest the substance right away. Moreover, the utilization of the table and guide widen the understanding of the creators message. The chronicled monograph, A Midwifes Tale, can be identified with a few works distributed about womens job during the eighteenth century. The peruser can see that Martha was a self-continuing lady who took a stab at keeping her family needs met. The Journal of Mme Knight, by Theodore Dwight, is a case of another work identifying with the issues Martha experiences for an amazing duration. Sarah Kemble, otherwise called the Widow Knight or Madam Knight, kept a point by point journal about her movements and the traditions of the individuals she experienced. Sarah Kemble is like Martha in light of the fact that she to dealt with a business, and in this manner was self-supported. The Journal is likewise viewed as one of the most credible accounts of the eighteenth century pilgrim life in America. 6 Another work that shows the eighteenth century belief system of ladies is The Making of a Middle-Class Lady7. It shows the day by day tasks of ladies and the merchandise/administrations they offered during the period. Ulrich, the creator, examines the trap of ladies in the general public and their detachment from lawful issues. In examination, the two works, A Midwifes Tale and The Making of a Middle-Class Lady, incorporate political, prudent, and sexual change and the criticalness it had on ladies. The two works examine different exchanges ladies performed, for example, the creation of material or different occupations of exchange, or birthing assistance. Besides, the two of them uncover the contrast between the mens social progressive system and the womens social web, and how they associate with one another. As observed in Marthas Diary, a great part of the network spun around the plant, which is a significant calculate that comes play as the pre-mechanical upset starts, and womens work begins to devaluate subsequently forming a remedy of the house spouse, essential guardian to a kid, and owing debtors to their husbands fortunes. It is hard to track down another source with a similar knowledge as Marthas journal. In spite of the fact that Sarahs journal gives her every day life, she isn't in a similar field as Martha however fell inside the equivalent womens circle of this period since she dealt with her own legitimate issues and turned into a teacher, while Martha just had the training given to her toward the start and didn't include herself in male issues. Every other source appear to rehash each other in the remedy of womens obligations during the period yet do not have a genuine womens understanding into the encompassing occasions. I am constrained, as a peruser, to put Marthas journal over every single other work we have perused in light of the fact that they all appear to begin from the pages of her journal yet deficient with regards to the substance just the ladies of the period could satisfy, in this way leaving a peruser with a remedy rather then a portrayal. .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba , .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba .postImageUrl , .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba , .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba:hover , .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba:visited , .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba:active { border:0!important; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba:active , .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: re lative; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content embellishment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u5c2c0076dd859ccaf34549e3b7382aba:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: In A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner, the writer utilizes the component of time to improve subtleties of the setting and the other way around EssayIn end, however an abnormal configuration, the writer keeps up the perusers consideration while tending to different issues that ladies looked during the eighteenth century, and therefore satisfies her proposition in an engaging methodology for the peruser. The authentic monograph is an interesting perspective on the unrest during the time while giving knowledge into the many genuine obligations of ladies. The writer transformed history into life, letting the per user walk the strides of a birthing assistant and taste the eighteenth century all in all rather than a chose cut. 1 A Midwifes Tale, p. 27. Likewise observe Oxford Vital Records, p. 82 2 A Midwifes Tale, p. 27. Likewise observe Church Records of the First Church in Augusta, South Parish Congregational Church, Augusta, pp. 100-101. 3 A Midwifes Tale, p. 34 4 A Midwifes Tale, p. 34 5 A Midwifes Tale, p. 33 6 Knight, Sarah Kemble, copyright 1999 Encylopedia Britannica, Inc. 7 Based on the book The History of Women in America via Carol Hymowitz and Michaele Weissman.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
New kid on the block
New kid on the block Ents, bop, punting, pidge, Natsci, boatie, blues. Umh, say what? You might wonder whether these words are even English. Well, they are (I learnt them in England, from British people.) These words are among the many additions I have made to my vocabulary since I commenced my study at “the other Cambridge†*mysterious music ensues* Yes, Cambridge in Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, is also known as “that other place across the pondâ€, “Harry-Potter-style cityâ€, a world-famous university with 61 Nobel Laureates (only 15 fewer than MIT, no biggie- notice the new sense of humor I picked up in England) and last but not least, the place where the structure of DNA was discovered (I am a biology major, I have to throw that in). Now you wonder what in the world I am doing here, on MIT Admissions blog. Well, I am also an MIT student! (Trust me, I have beaver fever.) Hi! I am Linh, a junior majoring in Biology (Course 7) and I am currently participating in the Cambridge-MIT Exchange Program. For those who are not aware, MIT has organized an exchange program with Cambridge University for the past 10 years (CME) and I am proud to be one of the students on the exchange program this year. Even though I am pretty much madly in love with MIT, I know that MIT creates all these study-abroad and exchange programs for a reason: to broaden the students’ horizon, develop our life skills and enrich our knowledge. Therefore I took that chance and I am glad I did. So, one day, when I was reading MIT admission blogs, which I have frequented since I had the intention of applying to MIT, I suddenly thought: “Why not blog about my life here in Cambridge, from my classes or extracurricular activities, to trips that I made around the UK?†In this way, potential applicants as well as MIT students will know more about all the exciting study-abroad/ international opportunities that MIT has to offer. I asked the admission office and here I am! I hope everyone will enjoy reading about my college journey, at MIT and abroad. Hopefully I will be able to let all the readers know more about MIT and its awesomeness :) Love Linh
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Mean Girls Sociology Essay - 1281 Words
Stacey Smith 2/14/2013 Sociology 101 George Kinder Movies And Their Messages In the movie Mean Girls, released in April of 2004, you see the traditional story about the new girl in school and the stereotypes that engulf the adolescent environment. Cady Heron, played by Lindsay Lohan, shows us what life at a corrupted school could be like for teens that are not so familiar with the American ways of socialization and surviving the potentially threatening lifestyle it could lead on. Sadly, children succumb to it as a result of a dire need to fit in. In the film, were first introduced with the impression that high schoolers and the staff are super strict and have no sympathy for the new students. As it subtly resembles almost a†¦show more content†¦but its happening. This film highly impacts the vulnerability and unsure senses that these teens have. As the teachers could care less about whats going on in their kids love lives, the kids mostly think of it as the center of their life at the time. A level of maturity and irresponsi bility come in with these thoughts and priorities. Cady also finds herself making small references back to her original home, Africa. She sees the other students as simple jungle animals in the wild, survival of the fittest at its best. Thats probably the best metaphor someone could compare high school to, a jungle. An incontrollable area where children have to grow up and find out who they are and where they fit in and what they should do. When peers such as your friends or classmates influence your life without you realizing it, it is determined its peer pressure. Almost every child is victim to this idea of peer pressure at some age or the other. Its an identity crisis, while also a constant comparison by parents and teachers, that makes children follow the leader in terms of the social scale. Kids, being in the process of forming an identity, needs the support and direction by those around them. The only way possible of making your child strong enough to beat peer pressure is t o help him build confidence and to treat your growing child with respect and as an important individual that will make mistakes. The main consequence of saying no to negativeShow MoreRelatedThe Macro Sociology Perspective1100 Words  | 5 Pageshowever as a female myself I still believe that we have not achieved equality and an example of that would be the education system. I’m going to connect it to two of the macro-sociology perspective. Macro-sociology perspective is a sociology study that focuses on the human society on a wide scale. One of the macro sociology perspective, I’m going to talk about the educational system for the females all around the world., not all countries practice equal education such as Bolivia, Armenia, PakistanRead MoreGender Socialization : The Real World1442 Words  | 6 Pagesto act a certain way based on their â€Å"gender†. Through the following agents: family, schools, peers, and media, gender socialization is emphasized and made very real in the world today. The definition of gender in the sociology textbook, The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology, is â€Å"the physical, behavioral, and personality traits that a group considers normal for its male and female members†(Ferris and Stein 243). The textbook defines socialization as â€Å"the process of learning and internalizingRead MoreDiscuss The Nature Of, And Explanations For, Gender Inequalities In Society.1603 Words  | 7 Pagesengineering sectors and few men working in secretarial positions (1996 Labour Force Survey) does this mean that men are more skilled than women. Early research and theorists assumed than inequalities were biologically determined and as a result this natural ability could not be changed. Female employment has tended to increase over the years and they form 44% of all wage earners, (A-level Sociology, 1995). Also, the passing of the legislation act in the 1990s ensured that an improvement, althoughRead MoreGender Socialization : Gender And Ge nder1040 Words  | 5 Pagesfactors. Gender stereotypes can be a result of gender socialization: girls and boys are expected to act in certain ways that are socialized from birth. 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By applying psychology and sociology disciplines to the hypothetical study can help explainRead MoreLooking For A Peer Review1352 Words  | 6 Pageswas â€Å" An Avenue for Challenging Sexism: Examining the High School Sociology Classroom.†This article was very interesting to me. I went to a small school so we didn t have sociology classes. It is very interesting to see their approach to teaching about gender. In this paper I will be examining the purpose and goal of this article. The way that this study was set up was through six social studies teacher who were teaching a sociology course. Each of these individuals worked in a variations of smallRead MoreWays in Which Zimbabwe Has Tried to Address Gender Inequalities.1682 Words  | 7 Pageswhich the education system in your country constructs the gender inequalities. [12] b) Suggest four ways in which the education system in your country can be made gender responsive. [8] a) It has become apparent that since time immemorial the girl child has been socialized to believe that she is inferior in some way or another to her male counterpart. This has been showcased in areas such as education, culture and religion. This form of discrimination has been the norm across all races, creedsRead MoreEssay on Our Understanding of Sexuality and Family Formation1213 Words  | 5 Pagesbecome extinct (ibid). Again this has been investigated by the study of animals, which show the males to be more sexually promiscuous than females (ibid). Looking at sexuality in a biological perspective would mean everyone was a heterosexual as this is the means for successful reproduction; this is what is also condoned as the norm in society and is the basis of marriage and the family (Giddens 1998: 100). Although Lorber (1994 cited in Giddens 1998: 100) identifies asRead MoreThe Study Of Body Image1572 Words  | 7 Pages(Thompson et al, 1999; Thompson and Stice, 2001). Therefore, failing to meet the societal expectations of being muscular male or thin female may lead to a separation between virtual and actual social identity. The sociology of gender is an important subfield of sociology. In sociology, there is a distinction between sex and gender (Wharton, 2005). Sex is the biological traits that societies use to assign people into the category of either male or female. In other words, it refers to the physicalRead MoreThe Impact of Sociology of the Social Divisions Essay559 Words  | 3 PagesThe Impact of Sociology of the Social Divisions Examine critically some of the ways in which the sociology of the social divisions have impacted on your own personal and family history, and assess the implications for your professional practice as
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Evolution and Moral Truths Essay - 1399 Words
All throughout history, there has always been a debate over the role that absolute moral truths play in proving the earth’s evolutionary history. A huge percent of theists say that the presence of moral truths absolutely do not provide evidence for evolution. From their point of view, morals come directly from God and can not be proven by physical and earthly means such as evolution. This paper will examine the opposing idea, which states that evolution does in fact provide evidence for morality and that moral truths can back up the theory of evolution. In order to fully examine this argument, it must first be determined what moral and absolute truths are. Attempting to define absolute truths is quite difficult. In today’s culture, it†¦show more content†¦Friedrich Nietzsche was a firm believer in moral relativism. He described it as â€Å"You have your way, I have my way. As for the right way, it does not exist†(Quoted in Schumacher). Now that moral re lativism has been discussed, the evidence it provides for evolution must now be examined. In more recent times, moral relativism has closely been linked to evolution. The modern day argument is that just as humans have evolved from lesser organisms to greater life forms, the same has happened with morals and ethics. This idea forms the basis for proving that morality can be explained by evolution and vice versa. An article published in Psychology Today argues that there are two main reasons for believing that moral bears the imprint of evolutionary history: nonhuman animals exhibit some aspects of human morality, and there is an impressive collection of theories explaining how standard, moral behavior has evolved. It is with these two reasons that the analysis of this paper will begin. The first argument the Psychology Today asserts is that while animals â€Å"don’t reason explicitly about right and wrong†, they do â€Å"exhibit some aspects of human morality†( Stewart-Williams). In order to understand this concept, it is necessary to determine what morality even is. Ecology and environmental biology professor, Francisco Ayala, defines morality as, â€Å"a biologicallyShow MoreRelatedThe Religion And Its Origins855 Words  | 4 PagesThis chapter was exactly like Vavova’s chapter as it was defending morals from debunkers. The author merely formed a defense for keeping his religious beliefs. The author had four parts of his argument. He introduces the arguments and claims that he can defend religion. In the introduction, the author puts out a hypothetical situation where a person, Fred, believes in evolution and God. Fred can see that evolution does not include whether not God is involved. The author claims that this is similarRead MoreEthics: Moral Absolutes Essay1180 Words  | 5 Pagessociety without moral absolutes? Do we see this in society? Schaeffer concludes that if a society has no moral absolutes then there is no final appeal to judge between individuals and groups whose moral judgments conflict. There will be no standards and only conflicting opinions. 3. On what authority do Christians base their belief in moral absolutes? How specific is this authority? Christians base their beliefs in moral absolutes through the Bible. Of course, you cannot solve all moral decisionsRead Moremere christianity852 Words  | 4 PagesChristian faith fight and argue over. A life changing book, Mere Christianity explains and defends the beliefs that are common to all Christians. In book one C.S. Lewis starts off with the Law of Human Nature. Lewis explains that this is a universal truth and that all humans with no exception validate its existence. All people expect for there to be a certain behavior for another person. A person does not have to be a Christian to validate the existence of the Law of Human Nature. Lewis explains â€Å" TheRead More Censorship Essay1002 Words  | 5 Pagespolitical, social, or moral order. It is necessarily broad definition. Any type of expression in fact, covers just about everything from clothing to print to movements and even to simply being. George Bernard Shaw described assassination as an extreme form of censorship. It is now omnipresent in society and has been as long as society has existed. If one were to consider the course of an idea (and it is essentially ideas that are being censored) as its natural evolution, censorship takes thisRead MoreDoes God Exist?668 Words  | 3 Pagesmaterial world around us. It se ems arises naturally the world over by believing in god. Does God exist? I believe in God is exists by the philosophical argument: ontological argument, the first cause argument, the argument form design, and the moral argument. Arguments relate to the existence of God are in different forms: some focus on history, some on personal experience, some on philosophy, and some on science. These arguments are the purported proof of the existence of God. If successfullyRead MoreThe Evolution Of The Human Race1681 Words  | 7 Pagesknowledge and experience whose origin and creation is not fully proven. There are two ideologies that the human race has adopted into giving reason for our existence as well as our evolution; this being, religion, and science. Science and religion have been in a conflicting battle against each other in discovering truth about the universe and their main ideas disregard the other making them ultimately incompatible. Throughout history this conflict has been proven through, Galileo’s sentence of houseRead Mo reScience Is The Pursuit Of Value And Meaning Essay1637 Words  | 7 PagesScience and religion have a complicated relationship in modern society. In this paper, I argue that science and religion are non-overlapping; science is the pursuit of truth in the natural world, and religion is the pursuit of value and meaning. This position is based largely on Stephen Jay Gould’s NOMA, and it seeks to address weak areas of his argument. In order to properly defend this position, I will define science and religion, establish that they’re exclusive to their domains, present an argumentRead MoreThe Ideas On Social Reform1072 Words  | 5 Pagessome radical ideas on social reform. The manifesto outlines the ethics, tactics and philosophy of how to successfully shift power from the â€Å"Haves†to the â€Å"Have-nots.†Alinsky created a controversial body of propaganda in the way he challenges core moral values of American beliefs for the time period such as Cap italism and the class system. He further challenges American beliefs by questioning the foundational ideologies of  Americans such as the extent of equality, liberty and the pursuit of happinessRead MoreArgument Against Evolution By Natural Selection1208 Words  | 5 Pages Comment Powered by Li 1 UCOR 1620 02 Darwin the idea of Evolution Mingxi Li(Jessie) Mar. 8th, 2017 Assignment 3 Argument against Evolution by Natural Selection Abstract Natural selection is one of the numerous theories that attempt to explain the evolution of living things from their primitive origins to the more advanced organisms existing today. At its core, this theory supports the notion that only the strongest organisms survive in a changingRead MoreA Look at Prominent Worldviews1349 Words  | 6 Pagesour relationship with God will enhance become better. Ethical system of Christianity was a long set of moral rules in the Old Testament. But in New Testament, there is only two rules, love your God and love your neighbors. Also, Christian believes firmly on creation as origin of life. That means, Christianity refutes any evolutionary claims that says anything about biogenesis, chemical evolution or Cambrian explosion. However this doesn’t mean that Christianity refutes science as a whole. Islamic
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working Free Essays
string(24) " of roses for everyone\." A STUDY ON WORKPLACE STRESS AMONG WOMEN WORKING IN BANKING INDUSTRY By ASSISTANT PROFESSOR: CHARU MODI ABSTRACT Women in India have served a lot after independence. From just a experienced homemaker, women today have gained skills and potential of not just being a homemaker but being at parity with their male counterpart. Moreover, varying roles of working women, they have preserved the conventional work culture of household. We will write a custom essay sample on A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now a day the companies are thriving towards high rate that the women have to work for longer hours to sustain the standard of living and accomplish their basic needs. In spite of having the recent technologies and services, women feel to be work loaded and stressed. The abstract literature on stress recommends that working women are lying on to the same face stressors practiced by working men. So far, women are also confronting with possibly exceptional stressors such as inequality, social disconnection, and work/home classes. Stress arises because of many causes which are emphasized in the research paper. The research paper also contains reasons of stress and how to ease the stress and rise above such problems by the working women at their workplace. KEYWORDS: Workplace, Stress, Working Women. INTRODUCTION Know About Stress Stress is a mood that is formed when we respond to particular events. It is the body’s manner of growing to a challenge and getting ready to meet a strong situation with focal point, power, energy, and sensitive alertness. [9] Stress is a normal physical reaction to actions that make you feel endanger and disturb your balance in some way. Fortunately, research shows that lifestyles vary and stress-reduction techniques can facilitate people learn to cope up with stress. 1] Stress refers to the tension from the argument between external environment and internal environment, guiding towards emotional and bodily pressure. [9] In this fast moving world, it is not viable to live without stress, whether it is a student or working women. There is both constructive and destructive stress, depending on each individual’s exclusive observation of the force between the two factors. Not all stress is terrible. For instance, constructive stress, also known as eustress, [17] can assist a person to perform a task at best efficacy and effectiveness. Therefore, it is clear that some form of constructive stress can adjoin more shades and enthusiasm to lives. The presence of a target, for example, can drive to make the most of the moment pleasurable and generate enhanced value. It is considerable to keep this in mind, as stress management signify to use stress to our benefit, and not on eliminating the occurrence of stress in our lives. [8] I. 4. Present Status Psychological Well Being The present status of women in the current working environment can be demonstrated using some current data on the working women culture. [11] FIG 1. PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL BEING Source [11] DIFFERENT TYPES OF STRESS: External and Internal Stressors [1] People can get known with stress from outer or inner causes. * Outer stressors include adverse physical state or distressing psychological atmosphere (such as poor working conditions or unpleasant relationships). [9] * Inner stressors can also be physical (viruses and other diseases, irritation) or psychosomatic (such as deep worry about a destructive event that may or may not occur). [9] * Severe or Unrelieved Stress Stressors can also be defined as temporary (severe) or lasting (unrelieved). Severe Stress. Severe stress is the reaction to an instantaneous threat, usually known as the fight response. The threat can be any circumstances that are supposed, even subconsciously or incorrectly, as a threat. Common severe stressors include: * Noise (which can cause a stress answer even during sleep) * Crowding * Isolation * Starvation * Danger * Illness * Hi-tech equipment effects (playing videotape ,playoffs, regularly buzzing mobile phones) * Visualizing the threat or detection of a precarious incident Under most conditions, once the severe threat has agreed, stages of stress hormones come back to normal. This is known as the repose reaction. Unrelieved Stress. Often, up to date life poses ongoing stressful conditions that are not short-lived. The recommendation to take action (to fight or flee) must thus be cautiously handled. Stress, after that, turns into unrelieved. Common unrelieved stressors contain: * Ongoing extremely pressured work * Long-term relationship problems * Lonesomeness * Constant financial worries WORK PLACE STRESS: Stress at work is quite a new perceptible fact of contemporary lifestyles. Occupational stress adds a load to physical health. Work related stress in the life of controlled workers, thus, have an effect on the wellbeing of organizations. Stress, either fast or steady, can bring risky body-mind disorders. Instant disorders such as nervousness attacks, worry, sleeplessness, tenseness and muscle pain can all result in unrelieved health problems. It has an effect on immune system, cardiovascular and nervous systems and direct individuals to regular addictions. Like â€Å"stress reactions†, â€Å"relaxation responses†and stress management techniques are some of the important built-in response systems. Unfortunately, at present, don’t get peaceful and calming situations without asking. For relaxation one has to struggle to create such circumstances. [19] This study is carried out to investigate that how much the women workforce of the banks are strained and how do the pressure of work influence their occupation life, societal life, productivity etc. In order to do so a sample of 10 women employees are selected from each of the three banks for the research of workplace stress among them. Symptoms of Work Stress It is no surreptitious that stress and associated disarray is being considered as generally regular cause of employee disability. Managing of workplace stress is leadership accountability. Good leaders who are familiar with the symptoms of stress can manage situations to create more pleasing workplaces and to improve both efficiency and the bottom line. Corporate women who have served in all conditions distinguish stress when they monitor symptoms such as: [7] * Nervousness * Indecisiveness * Petulance * Complaining * Forgetfulness Loss of self confidence * Sleeplessness * Physical tiredness WORKING WOMEN: This is the fresh generation of women, who needs to chase their dream career. But this life is not a couch of roses for everyone. You read "A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working" in category "Essay examples" Waken up at sharp 6 in the morning after retiring to bed late at night, crackling up an delicious breakfast for each one while getting the children all dress up for s chool, taking care of the sundry house needs that require her consideration that’s the average working woman’s home schedule for all. Things are not easy for her on the work frontage either. The collective-roles that women are have to play these days, bring about energy leak both at the bodily as well as mental level. [16] II. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The study on the workplace stress among women is conducted with the following objectives: * To determine the major causes of workplace stress. * To find the steps to reduce work place stress among women. * To find the measures to reduce workplace stress. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The questionnaires were filled by 30 women those who are working in three major Banks of Bhopal i. e. Axis Bank, HDFC Bank and ICICI Bank, so the reach of sample findings was less. 0 women employees of different designations filled the questionnaires. Due to this the opinion of employees differs as they are from different levels/designation. Data are collected from various sources, current articles like from online services, the Internet, and public libraries. The research describes the factors causing stress in the workplace and its impact on women. An effective method of coping with stress is given, but limited to ones examined in the primary and secondary resources. LITERATURE REVIEW Women and Workplace Stress: WOMEN ACCOUNTABILITY Stress at work, the stress of lifting up children, the stresses that come with growing old parents, some of these circumstances could offer a fairly high sum of stress [12]. When women are faced with collective roles, all of which carry serious demands, they face stages of stress that are high enough to add to fitness problem, neglected work, and a reduced ability to obtain on additional. ACCOUNTABILITY AT OFFICE ACCOUNTABILITY AT HOME Source: [5] An environment with little flexibility or option would be a bigger risk of agony than an atmosphere of no-voice for a working woman. Interestingly, women’s stress matters do not deviate considerably. Women are all-rounder by character and include responsibilities inside responsibilities. [3] Job, relations and dwelling are not detached and the subjects around balance surmount in spite of working for yourself or someone else. The new study from University of Melbourne has publicized that almost 1 in every 5 Victorians working women undergo depression[23] that can be attributed to job stress and more than one in eight or 13 per cent of the working men with depression have trouble due to job stress. 3] The literature on work-related stress has made known many different courses of job related stressors and linked them to such matters as job pleasure and worker yield (Beehr Bhaget, 1985) [6]. One of the major causes of workplace stress is whether the person is satisfied with the job or not. Many researchers found that job related stress issues are related to role ambiguity, role conflict, employee performance a nd satisfaction, over work load, need for achievement and organizational effectiveness. In 1976 Research [6] conducted in the financial services sector recognized that stress can also increase the probability of errors and arguments as workers cut corners to achieve targets – 81% believe irritation in the workplace has pessimistic effect on spirits, 74% are less dynamic when in a bad frame of mind, and 15% work slower (in fear of making a mistake) when their boss is angry. Fear of aggression is often on the minds of individuals who handle cash on a regular basis, and can be a major cause of mental and physical distress (Violence and stress in financial services, 2003). A survey of 1,299 employees from 37 organizations [6] recognized ten causes as the more important providers to employee stress. These were Employees not being free to converse with one another, individual disagreements on the job, Employees not being given charge over their work, insufficient employment or budget, Management and workers not talking frankly, Management supposed as being uncooperative, below average unwell and holiday benefit, lessening in employees profit, Lack of gratitude or return for doing a good job. In one more research â€Å"Managing Stress at Work†by Kate Jenkins conducted in 2001 [6] drew number of factors which add to stress in work places, which are people are working longer hours, taking shorter or no breaks, with increase growth in IT and globalization, decrease in spare time and less sleep and there are more time and travel pressures. (Jenkins, 2001) [6] . Work stress sometimes affects organization by: * Increased rate of absenteeism. * Decreasing rate of dedication to work. * Increasing rate of employees return. * Increasing rate of grievances from clients and customers. Increasing rate of insecure working exercise. * Negatively affecting staff recruitment. [6] With the rapid progression of technology, the rate of work load has increased and thus the stress among working women. To some extent there is the fright from being economized in awful times, leading to better job uncertainty on the part of those who stay [21]. Unquestionably, work-related stress is one o f the most frequently quoted stressors faced by persons all over the world. The remarks reported by Lundberg offer some descriptions for why Luecken et l originate that women working in clerical and customer service place who had children at home reported greater than before strain at home, but no increase in strain on the job. [2] While some stress is good for inspiration and growing competence, stress after a limit can result in depressing crash such as reduced efficiency and effectiveness. Most of the people are feeling secluded and upset at work, and this has resulted to better work-related stress. Consulting experts and professionals are being consulted on ways to raise link and inspiration of their employees. Few companies arrange parties and make their workforce feel appreciated at work. These are method to encourage employees and assist them to sense protected at their jobs, interpret into greater yield. On the other hand, not all companies have such method in place. Figure 2 : Model Of Causes And Consequences Of Work-Related Stress * Source: [14] RESEARCH METHODOLOGY III. Research Design: This study includes exploratory research on the concerned areas relating to working women and the stress levels that are constantly being felt by them at their workplace. I have tried to highlight the situation in context of such problem and tried to suggest some of them for correcting the situation. IV. Data Collection: primary Data was collected with the help of self-administered questionnaire which includes 15 items. Secondary data was gathered from newspapers, magazines and online sources such as websites. Some analytical graphs were also collected to support the research objectives. VI. Sample Size: I have taken the sample of 30 women employees from three different private banks of Bhopal named ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank, AXIS Bank. DISCUSSION FINDINGS: The Major Causes of Work Place Stress among women are: In the Modern times stresses can take the form of financial needs, or emotional disturbance. Contest at work and an increased workload are also the root cause of greater levels of stress. The stress can be identified by the symptoms as mental symptoms usually experienced include sleeplessness, headaches and an incapability to focus. Physical symptoms like heart palpitations, breathlessness, excessive sweating and stomach-aches. Reasons for stress are? There are many different reasons of stress which are also known as stressors, like Common lifestyle stressors include performance, intimidation, and demise stressors. Performance stressors are generated when a person is placed in a state where she feels a need to shine. This could be during performance evaluation, lunch with the boss, or delivering a speech. Threat stressors occur usually when the present situation poses a risky threat, such as a monetary recession, or from a misfortune. Last but not least, demise stressors take place when there is a feeling of loss such as the fear of losing a loved one, or any other loss. Therefore, there are a variety of stressors, and even more diverse methods and ways of handling with pressure and turning it to our own advantages. The causes which are faced mostly by working women at their workplace in my study at Bank are: * Extended working hours * Harder to balance work and home demands * Under utilization of skills * Unreasonable demands for performance[17] * Underpaid job * Multiple tasks at work Deficient of maintaining interpersonal communication between the employer and the women employees. [15] * Deficient of maintaining interpersonal relationship among the women employees * The fright of losing one’s work * Minimum time left to spend with the family [15] * Treated substandard to your male contemporaries. [1] * Experiencing sexually nagging funny story from your superior and male contemporaries. [4] * Very few of the women employees feel that they are suffering from depression while most of the employees experience that that they are liberated from the despair. Most of the women employees worry about their contemporaries view about them whereas hardly any of the women employees are not concerned with the view about their colleague. Most of the women workforce of the bank talk about their difficulty and share their opinion with their other half or associates or others while very few of the women employees are not worried with it. Major part of the women employees job above 8 hours which is the starting point of the stress while few of the women employees don’t work for more than 8 hours. Nearly 50% of the female employee spent regular time on leisure activities which assists them to stay stress free while 3/4th of the women employees don’t do that. Nearly half of the women employees find their social life to be even-handed whereas 2/5th of the women employees don’t have their social life balanced. Very few of the women employees remain silent. Most of the women employees fright the value of performance being offered by them whereas 15 % of the women employees don’t fear the quality of their work. Major part of the sample i. e. round 70 % women workforce try to find the key of their stress while 30% of them do not find any solution. 45% of the women employees try traditional exercises like meditation, naturopathy, yoga and other ancient medicinal methods to decrease their stress whereas 55 % of the women employees use other techniques to reduce stress like resorting to pastime, holiday. After analyzing the data of all the three banks, it is seen t hat the women employees working in AXIS bank are less stressed out when compared to other banks. It can be for the reason that it’s a brand name and believe in teamwork as their core values. Steps To ease from Work Place Stress among Women: Management of Stress is the requirement of the hour. Though hard we try to go ahead of a stress situation, life appears to discover new behaviour of stressing us out and resulting with nervousness attacks. [18] Furthermore, be it our nervousness, mind-body tiredness or our erring outlooks, we tend to ignore causes of stress and the circumstances generated by those. In such disconcerting instants we often do not recall that stressors, if not avoidable, are reasonably manageable and treatable. [10] Unfortunately, today, they do not get peaceful and soothing situations without requesting. To be stress-free one has to struggle to make such situations. The suggestions range from individually focused actions to broad based organizational policy changes. These include the following: * â€Å"Just smile away and forget everything†An employee of HDFC Bank * â€Å"Talking to family members ,loved ones, Watching TV or listening good music, Going for a walk or long drive†An employee of HDFC Bank * â€Å"Working in environment benefits, lot of optimistic approach. Optimistic approach is only that reduces stress and achieves triumph. †AXIS Bank employee. â€Å"Adjust with others, Find and spend time to go to temple, pray and talk to GOD, Study novels, All are the child of the supreme GOD†An employee of AXIS Bank * â€Å"We should do such actions from which we get pleasure and also make people happy. Share your moments of life with your close friends and relatives. †An employee of ICICI Bank. * Provide day care and substitute work preparatio n as resources for preventing stress. * Provide more job elasticity for women to better manage work home clashes. [22] * Deal with Finances and Treat physically in spa, massage centres in weekends. Get Help by a mate or servant so that time could be spent with family. [22] * Cook if you like it and serve by your hand to family members. [22] * Dropping / Picking up Kids from School in your leave days and then go for a little walk. [22] * When stressed at work for deadlines or otherwise, give priority to your â€Å"me†time first and maintaining home comes second. [13,20] CONCLUSION: In recent years majority of the women discovered that their stress was essentially due to their idleness and also they were happy with fewer responsibilities. Lack of loving behavior from their colleagues, scolding from boss, more working hours, under utilization of skill sets was reported as cause of stress always by maximum percentage of the women. Higher percentage of the respondent experienced stress always because of lack of their involvement in decision making in their organization that reduced their responsibilities on their shoulder and the participatory model followed in their organizational set up enhanced their responsibilities to the point of exhaustion. As women, they need to acknowledge what they have and can do for them to reduce stress. All must remember that old saying, if you don’t look after yourself, no one else will look after you. Honour yourself! SCOPE FOR FUTURE WORK I know that the current level of research may not reveal the exact parameters of stress regarding the causes and suggestions. Therefore, exhaustive research shall be carried out in future research work in this particular field. REFERENCES: 1. Brief, A. P. , ; Aldage, R. J. (1998). The self in work organizations: A conceptual Review. Academic of Management Review, 6, 75-88. 2. C. 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Stein, Franklin, â€Å"Occupational Stress, Relaxation Therapies, Exercise, and Biofeedback†, Psychological Therapy:  A Holistic Approach, Second Edition, 2001, pp. 235-245. 11. Tripathi Parul , Bhattacharjee Sandeep â€Å"Present Status†, Zenith International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research Vol. 2 Issue 2, February 2012, Pp. 3 12. University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (November, 2007) . â€Å"Brain Imaging Shows How Men And Women Cope Differently Under Stress: Science Daily†. Online] Available: http://www. sciencedaily. com 13. â€Å"Women suffer more stress at work â€Å"TNN Jul 22, 2010, 14. European foundation for the improvement of living and working conditions 2007(Adapted from Kompier and Marcelissen, 1990) 15. Irene Houtman, Karin Jettingh off, Raising Awareness of Stress at Work in Developing Countries, A modern hazard in a traditional working environment, Advice to employers and worker representatives, Protecting Workers’ Health Series No. 6, pp 17-18 16. http://mm. bharatmatrimony. com/featured-story/288-stress-and-the-working-women How to cite A Study on Workplace Stress Among Women Working, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Implications for Management Skills Management Review Skills
Question: Discuss about theImplications for Management Skillsfor Management Review Skills. Answer: Introduction: The paper focuses on the view point of the author on the management skills that affect the business of an organization. The aim is to focus on the challenges faced by the management and its implication on an organization. In order to achieve this criterion, a critical analysis of the arguments made by the author will be evaluated in this essay. Thesis Statement: Management skill is the most challenging scenario in the recent perspective and how human resource practitioners can support the skill development of the employees in an organization (Hutchison and Boxall 2014). Strengths and Weaknesses of the Thesis Statement: In the article, the author has examined the critical challenges faced by the management in the major small and large scale industries and companies. The focus has been made on the industries of New Zealand. The thesis undertaken by the author holds great importance in the recent perspective (Hutchison and Boxall 2014). There has been increasing competition in the market as a result of globalization. The role of the Human Resource team in an organization is gaining importance. One of the major roles of this management team is recruitment and retention of the employees. In case the management fails to fulfill the criteria, the company has to suffer either in short time or at a longer run. The article failed to ascertain the role of the management team for other important perspectives as well such as motivation of the employees or the role of management in shaping the organizational structure or behavior (Hutchison and Boxall 2014). On the other hand, the complete assumptions were made on the basis of the organizations of the New Zealand. Therefore, it can be said that the complete analysis was based on a particular region, that is, New Zealand, and not other operating or important regions. Analysis: In the view point of the author, it has been observed that the Human resource team of the major organizations faced problems at the time of recruitment. It has been pointed out that in spite of being one of the most prosperous economies of the world; the organizations in New Zealand also faced trouble with the recruitment process. In this respect, it can said that Connell and Stanton (2014) argued that there are a number of issues that the management faces that ranges from leadership, motivation and other such factors. It has been pointed out that the organizations in New Zealand have the advantage because of the less bureaucratic structure of the organization. In this respect, it can be mentioned that Wan Hooi and Sing Ngui (2014) pointed out that in an organization where bureaucratic structure is followed, the organization works in a more definite path and the organization follows a particular structure. As stated by the author that the manufacturers of New Zealand can benefit largely by the means of focusing on increasing the capabilities of the management of the organization, there can be an improvement in the operation of the business. In this respect, it can be said that Kirk (2016) has also supported the idea and has claimed that it is only by the means of improving the condition of the employees. Recruitment is not the only responsibility of the HR but the HR team is also responsible for a continuous development of the organization. On evaluating the condition of various organizations regarding the risk that majority of organization faces. It has been found that both small and big organizations face management risk (Clarke and Hill 2012). Therefore, it can be easily said that the management is the primary criteria to engage the employees of the organization. A good management is the only way to improve the condition of the employees that shall improve the operation of business. It has been found that there has been considerable development in the HR practice due to the advancement of the technology (Becker et al. 2013). The communication process has been made easier due to the advancement of technology. People can be easily communicated on the basis of their requirement. Therefore, it can be said that the role of HR in an organization has improved or has been made easier. Another important thing highlighted by the author is regarding the financial constraints faced by an organization. In the view point of Jamali, El Dirani and Harwood (2015), in order to meet the demand of the community and to achieve the mission of the organization, finance and revenue is important. There has been considerable improvement in the management process. In fact in the age of baby boomers and the war of talent, there has been increasing and development of HR practices. The main aim of the management is to undertake approaches that shall improve the condition of the business (Marler and Fisher 2013). In the age of culturally diverse and constant competitive situation, it is important that the management of the organization should be efficient enough to fight with the situation and make the organization capable of fighting the situation in utter competitive situation. Managing the uncertainty and identifying new opportunities to improve the condition of the organization as a whole, is the main job of the management team. The management should make approaches to imply better ideas and strategies that shall make the business environment more stable (Wan Hooi and Sing Ngui 2014). Fighting with the situational crisis and anticipate with the difficulties of the organization happens to be the most important function of the management team. Conclusion: By the end of the discussion, it can be said that the author has pointed out an important factor that is important to shape the organizational structure is played by the Human Resource team of an organization. In case of a small or a big organization, the role of the Human Resource is equally important. The HR team has been facing challenges in the recent time due to the disequilibrium created in the organization. As suggested by the author, it is important to come up with new and better ideas that shall be benefitting for the organization. Reference List: Becker, B.E., Huselid, M.A., Becker, B.E. and Huselid, M.A., 2013. High performance work systems and firm performance: A synthesis of research and managerial implications. InResearch in personnel and human resource management. Clarke, M.A. and Hill, S.R., 2012. Promoting employee wellbeing and quality service outcomes: The role of HRM practices.Journal of Management Organization,18(05), pp.702-713. Connell, J. and Stanton, P., 2014. Skills and the role of HRM: towards a research agenda for the Asia Pacific region.Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources,52(1), pp.4-22. Hutchison, A. and Boxall, P. 2014, "The critical challenges facing New Zealand's chief executives: implications for management skills",Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources,vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 23-41. Jamali, D.R., El Dirani, A.M. and Harwood, I.A., 2015. Exploring human resource management roles in corporate social responsibility: the CSRà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ HRM coà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ creation model.Business Ethics: A European Review,24(2), pp.125-143. Kirk, S., 2016. Career capital in global Kaleidoscope Careers: the role of HRM.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,27(6), pp.681-697. Marler, J.H. and Fisher, S.L., 2013. An evidence-based review of e-HRM and strategic human resource management.Human Resource Management Review,23(1), pp.18-36. Wan Hooi, L. and Sing Ngui, K., 2014. Enhancing organizational performance of Malaysian SMEs: The role of HRM and organizational learning capability. International Journal of Manpower,35(7), pp.973-995.
Saturday, March 28, 2020
102 Causes and Effects Professor Ramos Blog
102 Causes and Effects Quick Write Quick Write What monster or category of monster are you thinking about researching for your Causal Analysis? Understanding Causal Relationships Causality: the relationship of cause and effect You should identify the types of causal relationships on your charts (you might use different types of arrows, different colors, or simply labels to show what kind of cause is being mapped). Necessary Cause: any factor that must be in place for something to occur. Sufficient Cause: is a condition that always produces the effect in question. Precipitating Cause: the proverbial straw that breaks a camel’s back. Proximate Cause: nearby and often easy to spot. Remote Cause: may act at some distance from an event but be closely tied to it. Reciprocal Cause: you have a reciprocal situation when a cause leads to an effect that, in turn, strengthens the cause. Contributing Factors: add to the causes to bring about the effect. Why is society so fascinated with serial killers? The Survival Of The Slasher Film 1. Emphasizing Causes Cause asks: Why did X happen? Why does X happen? Why will X happen? Example: Why did Ed Gein kill those women? Cause 1 ____________________________ Cause 2 ____________________________ Cause 3 ____________________________ Produced: Event ______________________________ 2. Emphasizing Effects Effect asks: What did X produce? What does X produce? What will X produce? Example: What impact did Ed Gein have in pop culture? or What is the lasting impact of Ed Gein? Event _______________________________ Produced: Effect 1 ______________________________ Effect 2 ______________________________ Effect 3 ______________________________ 3. Causal Chain Cause Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3 Example: Ed Gein Psycho novel Psycho movie Slasher Films Silence of the Lambs Developing your Essay Present a reasonable thesis statement. Make it logical Make it supportable Dont use absolutes, instead use may be a contributing factor main reason Limit your discussion to recent and major causes or effects. Organize your essay clearly. Use one of the formats above Convince your reader that a causal relationship exists by showing how the relationship works. Use specific details and examples to show the relationship. Phrasing the Questions All good research begins with a purpose and a question. For this next assignment, your question has to be clear and your topic needs to be clear. Once you have decided on a monster or monster category to study, it is time to come up with an appropriate question to help guide you. Monsters are a very popular topic in our society, what we are doing in this class is thinking of them in context with the culture that produces them. A clear research question will help guide your research and analysis. What monster are you going to research and study? Decide if you want to investigate the cause or the effect. Write your research question. Example: Vampires Causes What led to the development of the vampire myth? If you remember, we previously saw a TED educational video that addressed this question. Pick a monster we have not done at length in the class. DO NOT pick Dracula, or Ed Gein. Causal Analysis video
Saturday, March 7, 2020
The Level of Internet Adoption in Saudi Arabia
The Level of Internet Adoption in Saudi Arabia Introduction The Internet has introduced a wide range of opportunities for organizations, businesses, and citizens in terms of communication, cooperation, and social interaction. Being one of the greatest contributions, it has also presented new options and services that can substitute physical infrastructures with online presence of the above-mentioned systems. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Level of Internet Adoption in Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Certainly, such innovation has considerably improved social and cultural interaction, yet some countries are in extreme need of these introductions that significantly them from successfully communicating at the international level. Public and private organizations, government, and citizens in Saudi Arabia also realize the core benefits of using the virtual space for overcoming the problems with delivering services, selling products, and co mpeting with other, more progressive international companies (Al-Ghaith, Sanzogni, and Sandhu, 2010). Unfortunately, the problem is that not all online services available for the Arab users are worth relying on, which creates the problems of confidentiality, security, and credibility of information delivered online (Aladwani, 2003, p. 18). Specifically, the Saudi websites are commonly created by the governmental organs and ministries, banking systems, and educational establishments that can offer high-quality online services. Other economic segments, such as e-customer services, attorney services, healthcare services, renewing passports services are not developed enough in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the identified gaps through the analysis of existing services in Saudi Arabia and those in other countries to evaluate the level of Internet adoption and define the area that should be more advanced in that matter.Advertising Looking for research pape r on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Introducing the Sites Already Available in Saudi Arabia The adoption of electronic services in Saudi Arabia is largely carried out by governmental and banking infrastructures as presented by Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (2011), Saudi Government (Online Services, 2011), Portal of Ministry of Health (Electronic Services, 2011), Ministry of Higher Education (2011), etc. All these websites are secured enough to provide valid information. As per the other sectors, insufficient attention is paid to the problems of insurance, confidentiality, and accessibility for commercial activities performed online. It should also be stressed that the contemporary community can offer a wide array of online services among which are those that are not available in Saudi Arabia. Specifically, the increasing rates of globalization process have had a potent impact on the commercial system in the country. According to Oxford Business Group (n. d.), a 2008 period was marked by significant rise of customers using phone handsets to purchase product and services. Increasing potential is observed within Business-to-Consumers (B2C) e-commerce environment that creates greater opportunities for global integration and for penetrating to the international market (Oxford Business Group, n. d.). Overall evaluation of existing problems. The studies presented by Al-Ghaith, Sanzogni, and Sandhu (2010) shed light on existing problems in the sphere of online services whose accessibility is not of the highest level. Particularly, the researchers identify the major problems of Internet adoption. One of such problem consists in presence of a considerable gap between the increasing number of internet users and development of security systems for online databases. Similar challenges are considered by Aladwani (2003) who believes that the purchasing power of the Arab world currently depen ds on the quality and availability of online services. However, specific political, cultural, and religious ideology negatively contributes to improving the situation. More importantly, the research suggests that improper analysis of language, traditions, history, and values established in the Arab countries makes it impossible to define the main what improvement should be made to reach greater accessibility and security. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Level of Internet Adoption in Saudi Arabia specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Another problem is that Saudi Arabia does not have enough resources for creating a well-secured online system ensuring great potential and options of Internet users. In this respect, both Aladwani (2003) and Al-Ghaith, Sanzogni, and Sandhu (2010) are more concerned with shortcomings of online system which is more oriented on governmental and political needs. E-government websit es and online banking infrastructures In the studies provided by Abanumy, Al-Badi, and Mayhew, P. (2005), the problem of e-government accessibility is evaluated in terms of guidelines provided, tools applied, and underpinnings of human factors introduced. While evaluating these key areas, the researchers try to outline the problems connected with the integration of Information and Communication Technology aimed at improving the agencies service and enhancing the internal development of the organization. The introduction of more advanced communication technologies will contribute greatly to transforming e-government websites and making them more citizen-oriented. Impetuous diffusion of the Internet has dramatically changed the distribution channels utilized by the financial systems. Many banking infrastructures are currently referring to online technologies much more frequently in order to provide customers with wider opportunities to participate in retail banking operations (Aladwa ni, 2003; Al-Somali, Gholami, and Clegg, 2009). According to Al-Somali, Gholami, and Clegg (2009) â€Å"round-the-clock availability and ease of transactions and avoidance of queues and restrictive branch operating hours†are the basic reasons for preferring online presence to the physical ones while carrying specific banking procedures (p. 1). Importantly, the studies also prove the idea that social influences and reluctance to change significantly prevent the banking website from normal functioning. With regard to this, extreme necessity for the introduction of online services to all spheres of life is predetermined by the rigid competition on the e-market arena. According to the Oxford Business Group (n. d.), online â€Å"[a]ccession has led to the creation of new laws for all sectors from banking and insurance to telecoms and distributions, enabling the creation of a plethora of new companies†(p. 39). Interpreting this, the country will be able to stand a compe tition only when effective online services are introduced.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Exploring Online Services Offered in Other Countries Though Saudi Arabia gradually enters online infrastructure, the Internet adoption considerably lags behind other developed countries, such as the United States, Australia, and European countries. The explicit gaps exist in the sphere of passport renewal, e-commerce, legal considerations, and healthcare system. The broadband in Saudi Arabia is not developed enough to introduce renewing passport and driving license services, which is heavily practiced in the United States (Travel.State.Gov, n. d; Australian Government, n. d.). Hence, the service enables the users to renew their passports via e-mail by fulfilling a number of simple procedures. This introduction would greatly contribute to the online communication systems developed in Saudi Arabia and provide more opportunities for the Arab women who can freely participate in certain procedures without male’s consent. With regard to the above, Gibbs, Kraemer and Dedrick (2003) present a comparative analysis of political environment impacting the formation of global e-marketing to reveal that Business-to-Business commerce is usually caused by external, or global forces whereas Business-to-Customers marketing is more determined by local influences. Despite global orientation, international companies still pay closer attention to the individual demands and local diversity issues to work out more effective strategies of online marketing (Oxford Business Group, n. p.). Therefore, the primary focus should be made on considering consumer values and preferences, national culture and peculiarities and distribution system that differ considerably across countries and these differences identify the global perspectives of development. In addition, Gibbs, Kraemer and Dedrick (2003) insist on the idea that telecommunication optimization seems to have the most tangible impact on e-marketing by providing more affordable Internet access both to consumers and firms. As a result, the necessity for introducing consistent system of e-commerce legislation is indispensible to favorable development of online services in Saudi Arabia. In general, a cross-country examination of the e-commerce websites as well as quality and security of information delivered online provides a clearer picture of existing gaps in Saudi online services systems in terms of options and demands. Specific emphasis should be placed on considering customer’s needs and preferences, cultural peculiarities, and security and reliability of online network in Saudi Arabia. Gaps to be fulfilled in the sphere of online services Due to the fact that the Internet usage is dramatically increasing in Saudi Arabia, many government ministries and leading companies have an Internet presence and, therefore, new e-commerce strategies should be adapted to meet social and cultural challenges, specifically those caused by Western influences. First of all, direct cost, extensive investments, a nd introduction of active business models will be the best contribution to advancement of online services quality in Saudi Arabia (Aichholzer G., Schmutzer R., 2000, p. 380). In addition, e-marketing strategies should also be oriented on creating effective advertising campaigns that would attract more consumers who are the core indicators of marketing success. Without consumers’ demand, e-commerce will be nothing, but a bulk of hardware and software platforms. Second, online website should involve more people to participate in online forums and discussions where each question asked by a consumer should be immediately answered by online operators. With regard to this, human resource management should be adopted to provide a sufficient support to customers and create a more reliable ground for seller-buyer interaction within the virtual space. Third, the above-presented review of sources provides more reasons for integrating more effective e-commerce law as established in co untries having more experience in online marketing. Summary of Reviewed Literature In literature review section, such aspects as analysis of existing online services, assessment of e-government and online banking infrastructures in Saudi Arabia have been examined to relate them to the global trends of Internet adoption. A cross-country analysis contributes to presenting the most sophisticate problems and challenges that Saudi Arabia online services currently face. While assessing the current options, the review has also provided a number of gaps to be fulfilled in online systems in terms of accessibility, quality and credibility of information delivered, and options offered. The results of literature review and surveys have shown that significant emphasis should be put on creating e-commerce infrastructures regulated by e-commerce legislature, websites offering the attorney services, and sites providing other specific services, such as passport renewing and drive licensing. Saudi government should be aware of the benefits offered by the virtual space and in order to introduce technological advancement in the identified spheres, it is imperative to re-consider political, social, and cultural issues that have a potent impact on the formation of a more globalized online services system. Reference List Abanumy, A., Al-Badi, A., and Mayhew, P. (2005). E-Government Website Accessibility: In-Depth Evaluation of Saudi Arabia and Oman. The Electronic Journal of e-Government. 3(3), pp. 96-106. Aichholzer G., Schmutzer R., (2000). Organizational Challenges to the Development of Electronic Government, IEEE Press, pp. 379-383. Aladwani, A. M. (2003). Key Internet Characteristics and e-commerce issues in Arab Countries. Information Technology People. 16(1), pp. 9-20. Al-Ghaith, W., Sanzogni, L., and Sandhu, K. (2010). Factors Influencing the Adoption and Usage of Online Services in Saudi Arabia. EJIDC, 40(1), pp. 1-32 Al-Somali, S. A., Gholami, R., and Clegg, B. (2009, August). An Investigation into the Acceptance of online banking in Saudi Arabia. Technovation. 29(2), pp. 130-141. Australian Government (n. d.) Renewing an Australian Adult Passport. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Retrieved from Dwivedi, Y. K. and Weerakkody, V. (2007). Examining the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Broadband in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Electronic Government, an International Journal. 4(1), pp. 43-58. Electronic Services (2011). Portal of Minister of Health. Retrieved from Gibbs, J., Krammer, L. K., and Dedrick, (2003). Environment and Policy Factors Shaping Global E-Commerce Diffusion: A Cross Country Comparison. The Information Society: An International Journal. 19(1), pp. 5-18. Ministry of Higher Education. (2011) Ministry of Higher Education. Retrieved from Online Services. (2011). Saudi Government.!ut/p/ c0/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3gDCyPHYE8TIwN_s1BXA08jrxAfP0sXYyNnA_3g1Dz9gmxHRQAgjys4/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/mcit/MCIT_en/Home/StaticContent/GovOnlineServicesDisplay Oxford Business Group (n. d.) The Report: Saudi Arabia 2008. UK: Oxford Business Group. Travel.State.Gov (n. d.). Renew Passport. U.S. Department of State. Retrieved from Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency. (2011). Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency. Retrieved from Annotated Bibliography Abanumy, A., Al-Badi, A., and Mayhew, P. (2005). E-Government Website Accessibility: In-Depth Evaluation of Saudi Arabia and Oman. The Electronic Journal of e-Government. 3(3), pp. 96-106. In order to understand the level of e-government accessibility, the researchers from the School of Computing Sciences have studied three core aspects of online government accessibility, namely, guidelines, tools applied, and implication of human factors contributing t o successful introduction of e-Government websites. In addition, the paper briefly overviews evaluation methods, accessibility guidelines and analyzes tools attached to e-Government websites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the site is of high relevance for the research paper because it outlines the current situation and availability of online services ensuring the communication between the government and its citizens. Aladwani, A. M. (2003). Key Internet Characteristics and e-commerce issues in Arab Countries. Information Technology People. 16(1), pp. 9-20. The study is dedicated to the analysis of the Internet usage in Arab countries. The researcher comments on the basic Internet characteristics of e-commerce in the identified regions and introduces the challenges that the Arab users face while applying for online services. The results of the study have revealed that the Arab world still has much work to be done to fulfill an available range of Internet services. Al-Gha ith, W., Sanzogni, L., and Sandhu, K. (2010). Factors Influencing the Adoption and Usage of Online Services in Saudi Arabia. EJIDC, 40(1), pp. 1-32. The researchers from the Griffith Business School use data obtained from 651 participants by using survey questionnaires and base their study on the diffusion of innovations theory in order to prove the hypothesis that complexity is the most crucial factor influencing the adoption of online services in KSA, which is also accompanied by such problems as Compatibility and Privacy. In addition, the research has identified the risk of quality of the Internet usage because it significantly prevents the online services from effectively integrating into the management system in Saudi Arabia. The study itself presents credible information because it is based both on practical information and theoretical frameworks. Al-Somali, S. A., Gholami, R., and Clegg, B. (2009, August). An Investigation into the Acceptance of online banking in Saudi Arabia . Technovation. 29(2), pp. 130-141. The scholars of Aston Business school refer to the technology acceptance model and important control varieties for the purpose of examining the core factors affecting the adoption of the online banking system and evaluating the behavior of 400 customers. According to the results, such aspects as awareness of benefits of online banking, quality of online communication, computer self-efficacy, and social influence are crucial element identifying the usefulness and acceptance of online banking. Dwivedi, Y. K. and Weerakkody, V. (2007). Examining the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Broadband in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Electronic Government, an International Journal. 4(1), pp. 43-58. The researcher examine the main reasons for slow adoption of the internet usage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and analyze the quality of online quality and connection, usefulness and usage, type of accommodation and connection as the main factors. In addition, the study mainly focuses on social and cultural influences to explain what research limitations, implication, and future directions exist for the development of broadband in Saudi Arabia.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Business Principles of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival Essay
Business Principles of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival - Essay Example Even though the economic impact of the festival remains a major concern, there was an agreement with the major stakeholders that it was vital to look into other aspects of the festival. The Edinburgh festival attracts all kinds of performers ranging from regular school boys to star actors. With more than 260 performance venues, such as dim vaults, giant theatres, and moving buses the event has the capacity to hold thousands of actors. All the venues available manage to hold more than 2,000shows in the 25 day long festival. The establishment of the Scottish parliament has to a large extent altered the political landscape. Edinburgh is considered as the standard –bearer for Scotland and a very vital in promoting and strengthening the pride of the Scottish people and their identity as a whole. However, there has been a very great concern by most people and even politicians in Scotland that Edinburgh is not getting the recognition it deserves as a cultural ambassador. This is with due to the numerous festivals that Edinburgh has organized and hosted with very limited resources. In that aspect parliament has come up with certain legislations to help boost the cultural events in their quest to promote the Scottish culture. Nationally Edinburgh is faced with numerous challenges. Whereas there are some people who are of the opinion that a lot of resources is being allocated to the capital, there are some who are of the opinion that Edinburgh festivals may play a very crucial role in promoting the national economy through cultural tourism (British Association of Social Workers 1976, 87). Certainly the Edinburgh’s economic position can be termed as healthy due to some various factors such as low unemployment rates and projected growth in job opportunities. In a research carried out in Scotland in respect to the highest revenue earners for the country. In the year 2010, tourism accounted for about 1.5bn pounds of expenditure by
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
In what ways does the internet expand contemporary mediated public Essay
In what ways does the internet expand contemporary mediated public life with what consequences - Essay Example rticular platform is distinct from the state, because it plays the role of fostering the creation, exchange and communication of discussions, which can in some cases, be critical and attacking to the state and its authority (Washbourne, 2010, p. 122). Due to the distinctive nature of the sphere, it is believed that a new public outlook is needed, to secure the critical role of this new arena, and to help with the institutionalization of democracy (Emden and Midgley, 2013). The supporters of the new field of discourse maintain that the internet is a means that can be used for the expansion of citizen discourse in improving the rationality of public opinion; the arena allows citizens to participate in the politics of their societies. However, the internet is viewed in a more critical manner, as compared to the internet, as it is considered a platform for radical democracy, which can help marginalized groups. The internet is considered particularly important to the groups that are marginalised in mainstream public sphere, as a platform that allows them the opportunity to start forums, connect with one another, and challenge the practices and the meanings propagated by mainstream groups (Emden and Midgley, 2013). Through this paper, the author will explore the relationship between contemporary politics and social media, through the critical analysis of theories, concepts, and ideas, shading more light using theoretical models. Before the emergence of the innovative media, the traditional mass media platforms used for broadcasting and press communication were considered sufficient and beneficial to the society, helping it to guarantee the administration of democratic politics (Emden and Midgley, 2013). Traditional media platforms were also considered sufficient enough to communicate and sustain public opinion across the public sphere. Their sufficiency was evident from the fact that traditional media could transmit information to politicians and citizens, and it
Monday, January 27, 2020
Concept of internal marketing
Concept of internal marketing The concept of internal marketing The concept of internal marketing is a tool that companies use within their workforce to communicate with their employees. Many company owners and authors of internal marketing believe this concept is as important to a companys survival as external marketing (communicating to customers). When communicating to employees this involves the communications of â€Å"corporate culture and goals, mission and vision statements, as well as personnel policies and procedures†. Internal marketing was introduced in the mid 1970s. This was initiated so companies could use the concept as a way of achieving consistent service quality. Internal marketing became known in the service marketing industry. The objective of this concept was to get a more improved performance from the employees who regularly dealt with customers. Although this concept began within the service marketing it has now broadened beyond and is included in many other companies and organisations. Ahmed and Rafiq authors of the book Internal Marketing: Tools and concepts for customer-focused management suggest that authors have many definitions of internal marketing and from studying the literature they have highlighted 5 main elements of the concept; Employee motivation and satisfaction Customer orientation and customer satisfaction Inter-functional co-ordination and integration Marketing-like approach to the above Implementation of specific corporate or functional strategies Employee motivation is a significant element of the concept, for many authors understand this to be the essence of what internal marketing to be. An employees attitude towards their own work place is believed to directly influence the value of the customer service that is given to consumers. This was summarised by Kusluvan (2003) â€Å"Internal marketing efforts are assumed to result in employee satisfaction, job involvement, work motivation, employee commitment, maximum employee effort on behalf of the organizations and customers, increased job performance, service-oriented behaviours and lower turnover which, in turn should improve service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty†Kusluvan, S (2003) pg:42. There are many other definitions of internal marketing. Ahmed and Rafiq argue that the span of understanding about internal marketing from other authors is huge but vague in its limitations. One of the earlier studies by the author Berry, L (1974) believed that â€Å"effective internal marketing, which would contribute to effective marketing would require financially rewarding personnel, management commitment to sales training and self-development revision of personnel transfer policies and a redefinition of management in terms of helping people to achieve through work†(p.13). Berry along with Pasuraman (1991) later added another definition to the concept in their book Marketing services: Competing Through Quality by stating â€Å"Internal marketing is attracting, developing, motivating and retaining qualified employees through job-products that satisfy their needs. Internal marketing is the philosophy of treating employees as customers and it is the strategy of shaping job -products to fit human needs†(pg 26). These authors believed that there was a set of principles to treating employees fairly and motivating them. They also highlighted the belief that employee satisfaction was an important element of internal marketing. The definition by these authors stress the importance that employee satisfaction is needed in order to develop, motivate and retain the best and most qualified employees. From these two definitions given by Barry you can understand that the concept of internal marketing is a broad notion. The American Marketing Association have given a more simplistic and modern definition for the concept â€Å"marketing to employees of an organization to ensure that they are effectively carrying out desired programs and policies†. This definition doesnt give readers a breadth understanding of the concept. Unlike Berrys (1991) definition it doesnt justify how internal marketing can be achieved in the workplace and it also doesnt explain the ways in which employees are to be marketed to ensure the work carried out by them is effective and of a good standard. An important element of internal marketing as said earlier is motivation [motivating the work force]. Considered by many authors as the ‘grandfather of all definitions on internal marketing Grà ¶nroos (1994) created a definition which saw the efforts of motivating employees as very important. Grà ¶nroos had two previous definitions both created in 1981 which suggests that internal marketing is the selling of the firm to employees who are seen as the internal customers. Grà ¶nroos believed that â€Å"the higher employee satisfaction that will result will make it possible to develop a more customer-focused and market-oriented firm†(Cahill, 1996, p.4). Grà ¶nroos 1994 article looks into motivation and states that â€Å"the internal market of employees is best motivated for service mindedness and customer-oriented performance by an active, marketing-like approach, where a variety of activities are used internally in an active, marketing like and coordinated way†(Grà ¶nroos, 1994, p. 13). This definition, as well as Johnson and Seymours (1985) definition which explains internal marketing should â€Å"create an internal environment which supports customer consciousness and sales-mindedness†. Both definitions highlight the fact that internal marketing is about the service and sales mindedness of the customers. There are other recent definitions of the concept of internal marketing by Ballantyne (2000) which suggests that internal marketing â€Å"is a strategy for developing relationships between staff across internal organisational boundaries. This is done so that staff autonomy and know-how may combine in opening up knowledge generating processes that challenge any internal activities that need to be changed. The purpose of this activity is to enhance quality of external marketing relationships†(pg: 43). This definition emphasises the importance of the relationship between the staff and the organisation and how internal marketing is a strategy that will allow this relationship to become stronger. It also highlights the fact that building on the relationship can enhance the service quality and also their relationship with their external markets. To evaluate how affective internal marketing is with employees companies usually give staff seasonal or yearly surveys which they will us e to measure the affects of their internal marketing efforts. There are many answers to what can actually make a successful company. Some may say its the companys ability to adapt to the market or even a companys high level of customer retention and many believe successful companies are created from within the organisation. Communicating internally but affectively to your internal market (employees) many authors believe is an important attribute for company success, An article written in 2007 about the importance of internal marketing suggested thatâ€Å"Internal communications is traditionally viewed as the sole province of the Human Resources department,†and the article continued by stressing the importance that employees have over effective external marketing â€Å"When employees understand and commit to the value proposition of the company and its brands, external marketing becomes more effective, because the employees become product champions†. As the pace of the economy is fast changing and the recent recession has affected many companys survival, internal marketing grows increasingly important. Due to the recession and the increasing pace of change in the workforce, there has been news of many companys creating alliances with one another, merging with one another and also downsizing as a whole. During these hard times employee motivation is extremely important, especially if every employee is understandably beginning to have concerns about their own companys survival or their current job position. Organisations must instil within these employees some sort of strength and satisfaction that would mean that the employees would continue working and at a good level. Generally, a strategy that many companies use and one which coincides with Ballantynes (2000) definition is that companies â€Å"empower staff to build stronger customer relationship†. Internal marketing supports this strategy (or theory some might say) and suggests that through staff empowerment employees will drive for better understanding, they will have a deeper commitment to the relationship they hold with the organisation and as a result there will be greater involvement from the staff. While todays diverse work force becomes more complicated there are a few barriers which can possibly affect how internal marketing is kept within an organisation. In the book Internal marketing: directions for management, Varey R and Lewis B explain these barriers. The first and probably the most important barrier would be the employees and an organisations ‘resistance to change. Kotler (1990) believed that problems can occur from an organisations ‘built-in â€Å"resistance of management to change†(Percy and Morgan 1990). Managers often do not consider new ideas brought about their company, and this is because a change in the work place can bring forth an overall fear of concern about their job and future positions. Other barriers to internal marketing are ‘inter and intra functional conflict. Inter-functional conflicts often occur when a senior managers assumption of their organisational culture is ill-advised and as a consequence managers may become unaware of the issues and problems which affect prolific activities or â€Å"co-operation and integration†(pg: 78). Intra-functional conflicts are basically when one internal function fails to recognise another internal function. Intra-functional conflicts on the other hand are where the goals and objectives of the organisation and its departments are different to the individual and personal goals of employees. â€Å"It occurs because individuals have different goal, desires and ambitions, and will be submerged in different social spheres of interaction that will impact upon their overall attitude and behaviour†. (Pg: 79) If ever these barriers work in cohesion then it can spell big trouble for any organisation. Although the three chosen are seem as the major barriers affecting the use of internal marketing within an organisation there are also a few other problems which can affect successful implementation of the concept. 1, managerial incompetence 2, poor understand of the internal marketing concept 3, rigid organisational structure and 4, top members of staff treating employees like they are unimportant to the business. Anon (2007) Internal Marketing Kotler P, Bowen J and Makens J (2003) have stated 5 importances of internal marketing; Employees must have a customer service attitude Employees must understand your product Employees must be enthused about your product and your company There must be good communication between employees and management Employees must be able to identify and solve customer problems Marketing for Hospitality and Tourism 3e (2003) Generally employees of organisations, especially those who communicate directly with customers can have an influence on customer satisfaction. The authors suggest that these are 5 important features of internal marketing and in order for it to be affective organisations must aide in ensuring that employees behave in a desired manner expected of them from the organisation. Internal market in todays industry is needed because as Berry L Pasuraman A (1991) stated it serves as a â€Å"managerial philosophy†that a company deploys on to employees that in turn would teach the employees how to maintain good high standard of affective customer service. Within organisations employees are recognised as a major part of the capabilities that service organisations produce. â€Å"The popular view is that employees constitute an internal market in which paid labour is exchanged for designated outputs.†Fill C (2009) pg: 895. Fill suggests if the objective of an organisations internal market is kept then employees will reap the benefits through paid labour. Kotler P, Bowen J and Makens J (2003) have proposed that these are the four objectives of internal marketing; To ensure that employees are motivated for customer-oriented and service-minded performance. To retain good employees. To increase customer satisfaction To increase profitability Some may argue that the main objective of internal marketing is to retain suitable and efficient employee personnel. As a means of retaining these ideal employees, organisations develop motivated and customer-conscious staff which while working simultaneously and cohesively can work towards achieving absolute customer satisfaction. There is a philosophy in internal marketing that every action made within the organisation is oriented towards this sole purpose. As times and the economy change so would the process of internal marketing. The model above shows four steps of internal marketing. Some authors believe this model to be too vague and feel that the complexity of the internal market or many organisations cannot be met by four simple steps. Grà ¶nroos (1996) believes â€Å"The internal marketing process is not to be viewed as a process, which only moves in one direction from the top down. On the contrary, the process needs to be directed from and to every side of the organisation in order for it to be successful†As it is important that an organisations internal marketing objectives are met by its employees, an organisation will produce an internal environment that staff will need to function in to a desired way recommended to them by their company. In the article Internal Marketing (2007) it is written that there are four important areas within an organisations internal environment which are essential for the organisations internal market: Motivation Co-ordination Information Education Internal Marketing from engineer sood These four areas have come up many times in definitions by numerous authors and combined create the four objectives of internal marketing that organisational managers should be trying to reach from their employees. If these are reached then as a result the employees work would drive the profitability of the organisation to a positive and effective level. To conclude in many definitions you will read internal marketing being referred to as a concept that aims on â€Å" attracting, developing, motivating and retaining qualified employee†Berry Pasuraman (1991). In some other cases you will read that internal marketing is a philosophy whereby employees are treated as customers or even in some cases where organisations will basically teach employees a specific way of working in the work place and handling customers. Internal marketing has come a long way since it was first proposed in the service marketing industry in the 1970s. The role of marketing in general has undergone many changes. Organisations have begun networking with one another and members of organisations have begun sharing responsibilities and working as teams. Although many if not all definitions of the term ‘internal marketing can still be relevant to today, the concept in itself over the past 40 years has become one which is/will constantly change as long as the world of business changes. From a concept which first focused on supporting the consciousness and sales-mindedness of employees to one which broadens its scope and understands that the concept is much more profound and more complex to achieve good employee to customer service quality. Key words such as ‘relationships, or ‘motivate and philosophy are now being used in the more modern terms of the definition. J.N. Sheth suggests â€Å"motivation is what moves people. It is the driving force for all human behaviour or more formally, it is ‘the state of drive or arousal that impels behaviour toward a goal objective†(Sheth et al 1999). Indeed, motivating employees has continually been used by authors since the concept of internal marketing was initiated , and although motivating employees to work harder and more efficiently is seen to be very important, organisations also need to understand and create a way of making employees enjoy the work that they are doing. Content workforces which take pleasure in their work are understood to be more productive and affective, which in turn creates a better service and customer experience.Organisations must instil within these employees some sort of strength and satisfaction that would encourage the employees to continue working and at a good level. As the new age dawns many organisations have even used employees to help sell their company e.g. Halifax. Halifax adverts and many other adverts similar to this have used employees as a way of advertising to external customers about big internal changes to policies and procedures that the company may be having. You see adverts everywhere with pictures of employees holding offers or incentives from their company or maybe even different adverts where employees are actually talking to the camera. This can be seen as a form or a strategy used for internal marketing. As a good employee is as important to a company as the employer, employees may feel the need to get more involved with company actions and strategies. In the article Internal Marketing (2007) it was stated that one of the problems which could affect the successful implementation of internal marketing is the ignoring of an employees importance to the company and treating them like any other tool of the business. Companies such as The Carphone Warehouse have their own internal marketing strategy whereby they are accompanied by new employees on a weekend of training. On this expedition employees are taught how to deal with customers, they are given information about the company and objectives that the company and each individual employee are and should be trying to reach, they are taught many things about the products sold in the shops, how to deal with complaints and they are also taught ways in which they should act in the workplace (the rules and codes of conducts). Organisations which take on the strategy to market internally must have a clear and precise objective and mission. The objectives of the organisation must be very clear if it is to correspond with how managers internally market their company to employees. If objectives are clear there will be no confusion within the staff on how to do things and what to aim for. This will help the process of knowledge development of the employee by piecing together understanding and loyalty to individual development. As a personal definition of the term internal marketing one would define it as an internal culture created by the managers of an organisation. This culture allows employees to express their creativity and innovative selves to an extent where they still show responsibility and accountability. It is the selling of the ideals and objectives of the company to the employees so that they work harder towards the goal of ultimate success. Developing and motivating employees are strategies deployed to attain the best qualified staff which would allow organisations to reach set objectives. It is a concept which can be evaluated seasonally through surveys and observations of the employees. Internal marketing should be used to meet the expectations of customers, instead internal marketing should be used to exceed them.
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