Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Evolution and Moral Truths Essay - 1399 Words
All throughout history, there has always been a debate over the role that absolute moral truths play in proving the earth’s evolutionary history. A huge percent of theists say that the presence of moral truths absolutely do not provide evidence for evolution. From their point of view, morals come directly from God and can not be proven by physical and earthly means such as evolution. This paper will examine the opposing idea, which states that evolution does in fact provide evidence for morality and that moral truths can back up the theory of evolution. In order to fully examine this argument, it must first be determined what moral and absolute truths are. Attempting to define absolute truths is quite difficult. In today’s culture, it†¦show more content†¦Friedrich Nietzsche was a firm believer in moral relativism. He described it as â€Å"You have your way, I have my way. As for the right way, it does not exist†(Quoted in Schumacher). Now that moral re lativism has been discussed, the evidence it provides for evolution must now be examined. In more recent times, moral relativism has closely been linked to evolution. The modern day argument is that just as humans have evolved from lesser organisms to greater life forms, the same has happened with morals and ethics. This idea forms the basis for proving that morality can be explained by evolution and vice versa. An article published in Psychology Today argues that there are two main reasons for believing that moral bears the imprint of evolutionary history: nonhuman animals exhibit some aspects of human morality, and there is an impressive collection of theories explaining how standard, moral behavior has evolved. It is with these two reasons that the analysis of this paper will begin. The first argument the Psychology Today asserts is that while animals â€Å"don’t reason explicitly about right and wrong†, they do â€Å"exhibit some aspects of human morality†( Stewart-Williams). In order to understand this concept, it is necessary to determine what morality even is. Ecology and environmental biology professor, Francisco Ayala, defines morality as, â€Å"a biologicallyShow MoreRelatedThe Religion And Its Origins855 Words  | 4 PagesThis chapter was exactly like Vavova’s chapter as it was defending morals from debunkers. The author merely formed a defense for keeping his religious beliefs. The author had four parts of his argument. He introduces the arguments and claims that he can defend religion. In the introduction, the author puts out a hypothetical situation where a person, Fred, believes in evolution and God. Fred can see that evolution does not include whether not God is involved. 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